Tag: the alphabet adventurers
Thursday 16 January 2025: Keeping busy
Before I did anything else yesterday morning, I threw several buckets of warm, soapy water at the patio to clean up some of the trash the birds had left during…
Wednesday 6 March 2024: I need structure
When the poet came home on Tuesday, he quickly fixed the mini TV box and the booster before rustling up a quick tea (we had fish fingers, chips and baked…
Thursday 1 June 2023: The month ahead
I love daisies. They’re my favourite flower. At the weekend, the lawn was covered with patches of the pretty little things. Then the lawn mower came out… Still, they always…
Working hard
To the outsider, it may look as though I had the last 4 days off. And I did have a 4-day weekend. However, I was working solidly on Saturday and…
NaNoWriMo 2021 Day 11
By the time Day 11 arrived, I was more than a thousand words over where I should be if I’d done 1,667 words every day, and that was before I…
I need to be more prolific
(Image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay) Friday 20 August 2021 Friday was one of those busy days where you don’t stop all day but by the end of it you don’t know…
Down a dark hole
(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay) (I love this artist’s work!) Not a rabbit hole this time, but it does feel as though the week has vanished down a dark…
Rabbit holes and newsletters
(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay) Friday afternoon/evening (13 August) On Friday afternoon, I disappeared down another rabbit hole. This one was a holiday rabbit hole after I realised that we hadn’t…
Time out
(Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay) I love this picture above. It’s the feature picture I use on Trello for my NetGalley board. Friday 13 August 2021 On Friday I forgot…
Bit of a surprise
Image by LukasBasel from Pixabay Monday evening finished on a bit of a surprise when the ghostwriting client sent an email asking two things: Could we make the new story…
That was the week that was
This week I’ve tried to do a bit of my own work in the mornings and client work in the afternoons. I kept on being distracted by colourful sparkly things,…
Project reboot
So, after my little tantrum yesterday, Amazon have now accepted Diary of a Scaredy Cat. Draft2Digital did their thang, and they got it through. At the time of writing, they’re still…
Image by Comfreak from Pixabay The plan was to have a weekend off and maybe catch up with some reading or sewing. I did manage to read a few chapters…
Back to novelling
I am such a tease, knowing that the title will irk at least a couple of my friends when they see it! I can hear them now complaining about the…
Lockdown easing
For more than 3 months, this country has allegedly been on lockdown. Although, if you see how many people have been walking past our remote bungalow and how they walk…
Our prime minister’s full formal lockdown instruction didn’t come until Monday 23 March. However, we suspected it was on the way and so we did our regular shopping early, ensuring…
Going forward
The last few months of the last year were very busy, one way or another, and I didn’t have time to catch my breath. We’re already into the third week of…
News, News, News
I have three items of news to share with readers. The first is that there’s a new post up on the Alphabet Adventurers. Please follow the link to see K…
Wednesday 24 July 2019
I’m late to my desk this morning, following last night’s terrific storm. The dog didn’t stop shouting at the shouty sky until looooong after the sky had stopped shouting, and that…
Tuesday 23 July 2019
I got through quite a lot of work in a short time yesterday. It was a busy day. First of all I read the last few chapters of the NetGalley…
Monday 22 July 2019
Much of Friday was spent finishing the client edit, and I did, and I submitted it, and he cleared payment. It will be in my bank on Wednesday. How cool…
Friday 19 July 2019
It’s great being able to turn up to work wearing whatever you like. Yesterday it was shorts and t-shirt again before I had to “get dressed” to go out. The…
Thursday 18 July 2019
Yesterday’s writing attire of choice was a more respectable shorts and t-shirt, but when the rain came and the temperature dropped, I dressed myself properly once again. I didn’t get…
Every so often, generally about once a year, I give the blog a bit of a facelift. This is mostly to keep it looking up to date. Recently, I changed…
My legs are screaming
We finally caught up on “I is for …” yesterday, for the alphabet adventurers. It’s been a long time coming – 6 months since our last outing – and, boy,…
Diary of a Novel: Great beginnings
I didn’t do any more work on the novel on Tuesday, so I wrote the grand total of 197 words, bringing my running total to 464. Instead, I carried on…
“Orbiting” projects
Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply to last week’s post – here, on Facebook and elsewhere. The general consensus is that I finish the book and, on…
Fitting my own work in somewhere …
We had another long weekend, this time for my birthday. And this time, it was more of a chilled, relaxing time. We saw the poet’s mum on Friday evening, and…
New Year, New Start
Welcome to a shiny new year. What are your plans for the coming months? We had a decent, relaxing holiday, with a very busy first half and a very lazy…
I can see the end of the year from here … (*list alert*)
Looking back, it seems to have been a busy year with not a lot achieved. But then I remember that I had a book published in November, which I was…
Domestic weekend
We manged to have another weekend off, an entire weekend to ourselves without any obligations to anyone else. And we got quite a lot of work done too, both around…
A good writing day
Despite the recent difficulties I’ve been having regarding finding a new paperback publisher, yesterday turned out to be a good writing day. My working days are clearly split into two…
Organised again
I’ve been a bit overwhelmed with trying to catch up with work again, but I think I finally reached a balance once more. The past week in particular has been…