Monday 29 April 2024: Short n sweet

Although Friday was supposed to be about the editing, I did do a few other things as well. And it was a short day in any case.

I shared and collected a free book. I updated my reading log. I created today’s blog illustration. I collected 2 more books for review, converted them to epub and mobi, downloaded covers for them, and uploaded them to Google Play Books. Then I sent a quick update to the editing client, who responded virtually immediately, thanking me for the update and giving me a couple of extra days to boot.

The poet had several meetings again, but as soon as he could, he nipped out to get some final things for the van before making something that would secure the dog in there too. There are no seatbelts in the back of the van, so nothing to plug the dog’s harness into. So the poet had to get creative and fabricate something.

I packed a few clothes into a bag, packed a few other essentials into another bag, and then I got on with the editing. I wanted to get some work in before we finished early in order to collect the van before the gates were locked.

We were off on our first adventure, our maiden voyage with Peggy. More of which tomorrow.