I’ve been a bit overwhelmed with trying to catch up with work again, but I think I finally reached a balance once more.
The past week in particular has been busy – as usual. I’ve not had a single idle day, though, and I’m looking forward to the week ahead.
On Monday I caught up with new month admin. I created my word-count tracker spreadsheet for September. It has all of my live projects on too. And I created two new daily posts for September for the Seriously Serious Scribes.
I wrote a blog post, and I added some words to the new book Diary of a Novel. I started to proofread A History of Cadbury, and I started a new edit for lovely already client.
Aside from another blog post on Tuesday, that set the scene for the rest of the week, really.
Today I also caught up on some finance work, I finished the edit for lovely already client and submitted my invoice, I started a new edit for lovely already client, and I finished proofreading the Cadbury book. On our way out this evening we’re going to drop the Cadbury book in to the post office to go “signed for”.
Tomorrow we go back to Haworth to finish our Alphabet Adventure there. Last week we visited the town and the parsonage, but it was 4pm by the time we’d finished looking around and that wasn’t time to do the 7-mile return walk we wanted to go on. So we’re going back tomorrow and Son #1 is coming with us. We’ll also be visiting family, hopefully, at the weekend.
On Monday, I continue with the new edit started today. That should take the week too. I’ll also do some daily work on The Beast Within as well as daily admin work, and I’ll start to surf the job boards again to make sure I don’t miss anything in case the work I already have in dries up and isn’t replaced.
Some of these may be familiar, as they stay on the to-do list until they’re done. However, other jobs next week include:
- write #1 (draft 1) Bramble Jelly
- write up ‘G’ is for … for Alphabet Adventurers
- write #2 (draft 2) Go, Go, Go Joseph
- post ‘G’ is for … for Alphabet Adventurers
- type #3 (draft 3) Is this where you pee?
- write ‘H’ is for … for Alphabet Adventurers
- edit & submit Pippa & Davey Forever
- write (long-overdue) guest blog post for friend
- write #1 (draft 1) Pumpkin Pie
- haul out Catch the Rainbow
- invoice lovely already client
What are you up to next week? Have a great weekend!
What am I up to next week? I’m actually managing to do some writing – Rodrigo. I’m enjoying it also. I have a few meetings, grandparent duties, gym sessions, ‘usual stuff’ and hmmmm what else? Oh yes getting organised for a holiday! yay
Good luck with Rodrigo! I can hardly wait to meet him. 🙂