Tag: Diary of a Tiger

0 280  4 Comments on Wednesday 10 January 2024: Writing, writing, writing
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 10 January 2024: Writing, writing, writing

Tuesday began with me starting to type up THE SECRET OF WHITEHORSE FARM. The idea is to write in longhand one day, type it up the next day during the…

0 349  2 Comments on Friday 29 December 2023: The bit in the middle
Posted in writer at work

Friday 29 December 2023: The bit in the middle

Did you have a lovely Christmas? Ours was very relaxed. We didn’t do any baking, but of course the poet still cooked us a rather splendid Christmas dinner. We had…

0 120
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Tue 13 Dec 2022

Chapter 59: Tuesday 13 December When I started to draft today’s post, I wasn’t sure yet if it would be published on Monday or Tuesday. If I finish all my…

0 109  2 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Fri 9 Dec 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Fri 9 Dec 2022

Chapter 58: Friday 9 December It’s the last few days of Diary of a Tiger, which is both refreshing and scary. Refreshing because it’s a year old and I need…

0 117  4 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Wed 7 Dec 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Wed 7 Dec 2022

Chapter 57: Wednesday 7 December First job of the day today was planning work. I already know I have a lovely new FiloFax coming for Christmas, along with day to…

0 137  4 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Tue 6 Dec 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Tue 6 Dec 2022

Chapter 56: Tuesday 6 December (or… I don’t have a book review at the moment so the diary will have to do…) At the end of last week I wrote…

0 205
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Fri 2 Dec 2022

Chapter 55: Friday 2 December So I’ve not done a Diary of a Tiger since 16 November. That’s dreadful, Diane! Not that I’ve been idle, of course. Or not all…

0 116  2 Comments on NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 6
Posted in NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 6

Day 6: 18 November 2022 I’ve fallen such a long way behind on my NaNo that I’ve had to recalculate. As of today, Saturday 19 November, I still have 12…

0 129  2 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Wed 16 Nov 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Wed 16 Nov 2022

Chapter 54: Wednesday 16 November I’m running a bit behind on my NaNo at the moment, mostly due to all the red-tape stuff I had to do last week. I’ve…

0 121  2 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Fri 11 Nov 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Fri 11 Nov 2022

Chapter 53: Friday 11 November Saturday Saturday should have been Day 4 of NaNoWriMo, but it turned into a day of household chores. The poet popped out at midday to…

0 267  4 Comments on NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 5
Posted in NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 5

Day 5: 8 November 2022 For this year’s NaNoWriMo, I’ll be writing for 22 days in November. This gives me a daily target of 2,273 words, which will be about…

0 143
Posted in NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 4

Day 4: 6 November 2022 For this year’s NaNoWriMo, I’ll be writing for 22 days in November. This gives me a daily target of 2,273 words, which will be about…

0 201  4 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Sat 5 Nov 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Sat 5 Nov 2022

Chapter 52: Saturday 5 November For the duration of NaNoWriMo, Diary of a Tiger will go back to weekly posts, appearing on a Saturday with a round-up of the week. I’m…

0 127
Posted in NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 3

Day 3: 3 November 2022 For this year’s NaNoWriMo, I’ll be writing for 22 days in November. This gives me a daily target of 2,273 words, which will be about…

0 295  2 Comments on NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 2
Posted in NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 2

Day 2: 2 November 2022 For this year’s NaNoWriMo, I’ll be writing for 22 days in November. This gives me a daily target of 2,273 words, which will be about…

0 304  2 Comments on NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 1
Posted in NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 1

Day 1: 1 November 2022 For this year’s NaNoWriMo, I’ll be writing for 22 days in November. This gives me a daily target of 2,273 words, which will be about…

0 121  2 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Tue 1 Nov 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Tue 1 Nov 2022

Chapter 51: Tuesday 1 November November already… This year has flown by. Friday On Friday morning we had the 3rd of our 4 appointments for last week. The poet’s car…

0 112
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Fri 28 Oct 2022

Chapter 50: Friday 28 October I was whizzed through the 6:40pm appointment on Wednesday at record speed and by 8pm we’d eaten and were home again. We had Burger King…

0 173  2 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Thu 27 Oct 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Thu 27 Oct 2022

Chapter 49: Thursday 27 October Wednesday was a bit discombobulated due to the regular diary being disrupted slightly. It was the second of this week’s four appointments where I had…

0 124  2 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Wed 26 Oct 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Wed 26 Oct 2022

Chapter 48: Wednesday 26 October For the second day on the trot, I made it to my desk by 10am, and it didn’t even involve having to get up and…

0 127  2 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Tue 25 Oct 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Tue 25 Oct 2022

Chapter 47: Tuesday 25 October I had a difficult night on Thursday night due to both the dog and the cat waking me up not once but twice. Each. They…

0 118  2 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Fri 21 Oct 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Fri 21 Oct 2022

Chapter 46: Friday 21 October The rain returned yesterday, with a vengeance, and promptly started to pour in through the conservatory. I reported this at the end of last month,…

0 164  1 Comment on Diary of a Tiger: Thu 20 Oct 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Thu 20 Oct 2022

Chapter 45: Thursday 20 October I’m doing a few diaries on the trot at the moment because I’m still not back into the swing of my regular weekly chores. I…

0 108
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Wed 19 Oct 2022

Chapter 44: Wednesday 19 October I had 2 lots of good news on Tuesday. First of all, I saw I’d sold some more books. This is amazing and it really…

0 129
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Tue 18 Oct 2022

Chapter 43: Tuesday 18 October After working until 6:15am on Friday morning, I was pretty much a waste of food for the rest of the day. I went straight to…

0 118  2 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Fri 14 Oct 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Fri 14 Oct 2022

Chapter 42: Friday 14 October One of the things I wanted to get ahead on again was drafting these diary blogs during the day as I work and then auto-posting…

0 123  2 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Thu 13 Oct 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Thu 13 Oct 2022

Chapter 41: Thursday 13 October The blank planner and diary spreadsheets I adapted and printed off yesterday seem to be working already. I’m more focused and ticking things off again….

0 134
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Wed 12 Oct 2022

Chapter 40: Wednesday 12 October Despite how I felt by the end of yesterday, I did actually have quite a good day during which I got through quite a lot….

0 152
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Tue 11 Oct 2022

Chapter 39: Tuesday 11 October Tuesdays are usually book review days on the blog, but as I don’t have any ready, I’m throwing up another diary post instead. Friday On…

0 117
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Fri 7 Oct 2022

Chapter 38: Friday 7 October I was going to save the last 2-day diary post and add it to today’s and make this one a 3-day post, but in the…

0 131  2 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Thu 6 Oct 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Thu 6 Oct 2022

Chapter 37: Thursday 6 October – or ‘we still haven’t had much time in the new garden’ We haven’t really had a lot of time in the garden yet. When…

0 113  2 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Tue 4 Oct 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Tue 4 Oct 2022

Chapter 36: Tuesday 4 October – or ‘there should be another book review here, but I don’t have one ready’ By Friday we were both very tired and ready for…

0 131  2 Comments on Diary of a Tiger: Fri 30 Sep 2022
Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: Fri 30 Sep 2022

Chapter 35: Friday 30 September – or ‘at least I’m on the right day today’ Disaster! We both slept in. Really badly. So I didn’t get the early start I…