Diary of a Tiger: Thu 27 Oct 2022

Image by Jan Barkmann from Pixabay
Chapter 49: Thursday 27 October

Wednesday was a bit discombobulated due to the regular diary being disrupted slightly. It was the second of this week’s four appointments where I had to put on real clothes and go out. I also couldn’t eat anything after 12 noon due to the ultrasound later in the day at 6:40pm…

I mean, who has a hospital appointment at 6:40pm?

Still, at least it meant that the day was disrupted less than it could have been.

I didn’t do any NaNo prep as the books are already planned, so that was one job less to do. I did, however, go and make some tweaks to my Reedsy profile as requested in an email I received from them on Tuesday, concentrating on only the editing and proofreading.

I opened up the two Scrivener ghostwriting files, had a bit of a play around with statuses and colour coding, and then I continued with the editing job as the ghostwriting jobs percolated at the back of my mind.

I’d just settled in with the next chapter when the email came in from Reedsy. My tweaks had been accepted and my profile is now live. All I have to apparently do now is watch a presentation on Google Meet… that’s watch it on Google Meet rather than a presentation about Google Meet… Editing brain switched into gear there! I can set my own time to view the presentation, which is something.

So, it’s official. I’m now on Reedsy as a freelance editor and proofreader. I’m also looking into their book review service – as a reviewer rather than a writer.

I cracked on with the editing but started to get a bit sleepy towards the end of the afternoon. I couldn’t have anything to eat, due to the ultrasound appointment later, but I could have quite happily gone and lay down on the bed and nodded off. That’ll be those two early(ish) mornings already this week.

We left for the hospital at just before 6pm, and decided on a takeaway on the way home. (I was STARVING!)

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