Tag: proofreading
Wednesday 13 November 2024: I fell down a rabbit hole
Everything was all going so well too…But at least I was ahead, which probably had something to do with it as well. We were woken on Tuesday morning by something…
Monday 11 November 2024: Remembrance Day
The only thing I really worked on on Friday was The Secret of Whitehorse Farm. And even then it was only pre-writing. Everything else was on binder work in Scrivener…
Friday 8 November 2024: Friday already! Again!
How can it be Friday already? Skipping a blog day will probably have something do do with it. The week has flown, but while I’d normally be wondering what I’d…
Thursday 7 November 2024: Oops, missed a day
I didn’t miss a day because I was being idle. I missed a day because I was busy. ALL of Tuesday was spent finishing the hard-copy proofread for my client….
Tuesday 5 November 2024: Bonfire Night!
We didn’t do a great deal at the weekend. We did the shopping on Saturday and nipped in to see the band’s drummer. The next-door neighbour was having his chimney…
Friday 25 October 2024: This n that
I started to write this with a view to publishing it yesterday, but it got longer and longer and longer and I still had to write yesterday’s Writing Prompts. So…
Monday 21 October 2024: Leisurely weekend
I forgot to mention in Friday’s post that on Wednesday the money I was owed by Vocal landed in my bank account. On Thursday morning, another job I did from…
Friday 18 October 2024: Home again!
I was a day behind all week on my blog posts, so when the poet finished his work on Wednesday and we decided to head home on Thursday, I didn’t…
Tuesday 15 October 2024: Horsham at night
We had to cancel Saturday’s Monkey Dust gig due to the poet losing his voice. He’d had a cold all week and had cancelled band practice on Thursday in order…
Monday 8 September 2024: A weekend in Mablethorpe
Friday disappeared a bit sharpish. I’m glad to say that I did indeed clear the proofs for the client edit I’ve been working on, leaving just the plates to proofread…

Thursday 22 August 2024: Probate papers have left the building!
The final Probate accounts have left the building. I was going to take mine to the post office yesterday to get a signed-for receipt. However, my sister was happy to…
Wednesday 21 August 2024: Converting books
The campervan was due in for its first service (with us) and we got up early to go and collect it. I dropped the poet off at the compound, followed…
Monday 19 August 2024: More unexpected DIY
I spent most of Friday catching up with the proofreading job. I’d done my own proofreading, but now I had to consolidate mine with the author’s and the proofreader’s. It…
Friday 16 August 2024: Up to my neck in pictures
Oh, my goodness! I’ve only gone and chosen an image by the founder of Pixabay himself! 😮 The day started quite well yesterday. The plan was to finally send out…
Wednesday 14 August 2024: I wrote another short story…
It’s almost as though I do this kind of thing for a living! We were up with the larks again yesterday because my car was booked in for what we…
Tuesday 19 March 2024: Busy weekend
Because I didn’t finish all of my work on Friday, I already knew I’d be working at the weekend. Saturday First thing Saturday we also had to take the dog…
Friday 15 March 2024: Catfish, anyone?
We have a meal plan. Not because of any diet, but originally for budgetary purposes and now for variety. Plus, it’s easier if we don’t have to decide what to…

Thursday 14 March 2024: My learning this week – new feature
Bouquet of fresh red tulip flowers sitting on dark surface background with copy space – depositphotos.com It’s free image day today, and this week it’s one I quite like so…
Tuesday 12 March 2024: Starting to improve
I didn’t just get a phone call from our new Probate case manager on Wednesday, I got an email too. A proper email that introduced her to us and apologised…
Thursday 7 March 2024: A day book
While I’ve been trying to sort out everyone else’s basic incompetence, I’ve been using a day book. The poet has always used a day book but I thought that was…
Wednesday 6 March 2024: I need structure
When the poet came home on Tuesday, he quickly fixed the mini TV box and the booster before rustling up a quick tea (we had fish fingers, chips and baked…
Monday 26 February 2024: A day of admin
I was awoken in the early hours of Friday morning by a lot of things all clamouring for my attention. They ran around in circles inside my head until in…
Tuesday 23 January 2024: Full steam ahead
I had some catching up to do yesterday as I’d lost a lot of time on Friday. First of all I’d had to wait around for a delivery, then I…
Friday 27 October 2023: What day off?
Today was supposed to be another day off. But because I’ve only been doing half-days this week, I’ll probably squeeze in some more work time. Mostly just so I can…
Friday 22 September 2023: Where’d the week go?
Whoosh! And another week went by, just like that… How can it be Friday already? Well, actually, it’s still Thursday for me as I’m writing this yesterday. Even so… Yesterday…
Friday 18 August 2023: Onward, Whitby
Here’s the pre-holiday roundup I promised on Wednesday. Tuesday I didn’t do any work on Tuesday. After a very rough night with the dog (and I was at home with…
Wed 16 & Thu 17 Aug 2023: Proofreading
Today and tomorrow (Wednesday and Thursday) will be wall-to-wall proofreading, and proofreading is the ONLY job I’ll be doing. We break up tomorrow (Friday) for a week and while I’m…
Friday 28 July 2023: I lost half a day
The man at the garage told me there was no need for me to arrange my MOT on a day when the poet could come with me and bring me…
Thursday 27 July 2023: A fair day
Yesterday went fairly well. It might be because the to-do list wasn’t very long, but I still shifted a fair few words and pages. I had two writing projects on…
Wednesday 26 July 2023: More proofreading
I had a slow start to the day yesterday, hitting my desk just in time to join in with the People’s Friend writing hour on Twitter… or X, or whatever…
Tuesday 25 July 2023: Wall to wall proofreading
The most pressing job I have to do this week is proofreading. The entire job is a whopping 527 pages, so I expect it to take the entire week. In…
Friday 21 July 2023: Back to normal for a bit
After the madness that was the previous few days, I took it easy yesterday. I didn’t rush around like a mad thing. I didn’t dash back to what I was…
Wednesday 5 July 2023: Cranking up the machine
I was having a slow and leisurely start to Tuesday, until I remembered it was the People’s Friend writing hour on Twitter at 11am. Usually I’m late or in a…