Tag: The Life of Richard Cadbury
Wednesday 22 January 2025: A good, solid day
I managed to get up before the alarm on Tuesday, which was a great start. But I wanted to finish reading a book for review. It’s a re-read because the…
I was having a bit of a rummage through NetGalley to see if there were any new reviews for The Life of Richard Cadbury. I couldn’t see any for that one,…
It’s beginning to look a lot like …
… Christmas! Friday turned out to be busier than I initially expected. I had to step away from the Canva and get on with some work, or I’d be doing…
Jobs are like buses
So my book is still “temporarily out of stock” on Amazon, both here in the UK and in the US. That’s very odd for a book they’ve had on pre-order…
Monday went by in a bit of a whirl. In case you didn’t notice, my book The Life of Richard Cadbury was finally published. There then followed a frenzy of marketing…
Publication Day!
So, finally, today’s the day! After a very long slog, The Life of Richard Cadbury is now published! The hardback is now available from Pen & Sword Books here. It’s also…
Coming soon!
The reviews have started to come in already, which means that the advance reader copies have gone out, which means that this book is almost here! The Life of Richard…
Quick plug: A History of Cadbury
I am still up against the clock, but I found time to do a quick plug. Ahead of publication of The Life of Richard Cadbury, which is due on 30 November,…
NaNoWriMo Prep: Days 2, 3 & 4
I’ve been working through the prep days for NaNoWriMo, trying to do everything in a certain order. Because I’ve decided on The Beast Within, much of the character work is already…
NaNoWriMo: And the winner is …
Today should have been NaNoWriMo Prep: Day 2. But after a long weekend, and with NaNoWriMo looming only this weekend, I had quite a lot of admin work to do. First…
Back to novelling
I am such a tease, knowing that the title will irk at least a couple of my friends when they see it! I can hear them now complaining about the…
Today, I am doing the index for The Life of Richard Cadbury. The one job I dislike the most about writing is the indexing. So, for now, I leave you…
Today, I am a writer
I had a bit of a strange experience yesterday. I’m admin on a Facebook group, the Seriously Serious Scribes, and last week I set off two new daily threads for…
One job at a time
I don’t have any pictures to hand today, and I don’t have time to sort one out. So here’s one courtesy of Pixabay. Today I am not a happy bunny…
Coming soon! + Links galore!
My book, The Life of Richard Cadbury, is due to be released on 30 November. The book is available for pre-order from Pen & Sword Books and from Amazon UK….
Writing and proofreading and indexing, oh my!
The River Torne is a river the poet used to fish when ‘e worra lad (when he was a young man). In those days, the lads used to wait until…
Oops, forgot to give it a title!
Dog walk The dog and I once again attempted to find the circular path the three-legged dog and its humans had used, this time armed with the poet. Last week,…
Where to hide a body
Sorry for the “click bait”, but I didn’t know what else to call it today! 😇 This picture was originally tucked inside an envelope and given to me on my…
Proofreading and writing
This picture is a magazine mock-up that my Smoggie snapper (Teesside photographer) made for me when I left Corus/Tata. The front cover image is of a blowout and I wanted…
Using a murder board
The murder board My murder board isn’t up yet, but every time I open this tin of bits that go with the murder board, it cheers me up no end….
Getting back into a routine
I had a lot of admin work to do yesterday in the end, and there’s still a load more to do. First job, of course, right after writing yesterday’s blog…
Hello, Finningley!
For the past two weeks we’ve been moving house (again!), and now we’re in the village of Finningley, which used to be in Nottinghamshire but is now in South Yorkshire….
Squeezing the work in
This morning I finally started the next book for NetGalley. Well, actually, I re-started it as I’d already read a couple of chapters and I wanted to refresh my memory….
Clearing the decks
I realised that we get the keys to the new house next Wednesday. That’s just over a week away. So I’ve decided to close the office on Tuesday. I won’t…
I published a book
I didn’t get around to writing any of Catch the Rainbow yesterday, but I did sort some of the rest of the material into some sort of order. This one may…
It’s okay to take a sick day
Ever since the poet went back to work on 1 July, we’ve both had cold upon cold upon cold. And yesterday, I was finally flattened. Unusually, it seems that the…
Irritating interlude
Yes, I know they always happen and we should always build in some sort of contingency. But I’d only just got into a good rhythm of work when this week…
Camp NaNoWriMo – Day 10
The poet went back to work on Wednesday 1 July, his furlough over for now. Within 7 days of him mixing with people again, we both had signs of a…
Camp NaNoWriMo – Day 5
I say Day 5, but is it really Day 7? It was certainly Day 7 of the month, and it’s probably Day 7 for a lot of other campers. But…
I’ve been a bit busy
I can hardly believe that before Christmas I was thinking about looking for a “proper job” again. I’d taken a few months off to write my own book, The Life of…
Back to (writing) work
Earlier in the year (gosh, is it still only March?), I had to take a bit of a sabbatical from my writing as I needed to replenish all of the…
Going forward
The last few months of the last year were very busy, one way or another, and I didn’t have time to catch my breath. We’re already into the third week of…
News, News, News
I have three items of news to share with readers. The first is that there’s a new post up on the Alphabet Adventurers. Please follow the link to see K…