Author: Diane

0 226  2 Comments on Monday 13 May 2024: Another dental appointment!
Posted in writer at work

Monday 13 May 2024: Another dental appointment!

First job Friday was rejigging the schedule over the next few weeks. I had to move a lot of things down the calendar that I didn’t get around to over…

0 237  2 Comments on Friday 10 May 2024: Halloween in May?
Posted in writer at work

Friday 10 May 2024: Halloween in May?

The Halloween cosy mystery novella course consists of a lot of prep and background work. Up to yesterday, that’s what I was working on. Watching videos, reading notes, and printing…

0 328  4 Comments on Thursday 9 May 2024: Cosmos? A word…
Posted in writer at work

Thursday 9 May 2024: Cosmos? A word…

I had a steady day yesterday alternating between study and editing. At the moment I’m throwing everything at the Halloween novella writing course because it cost me money. A lot…

0 328  10 Comments on Wednesday 8 May 2024: Reviewing the situation
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 8 May 2024: Reviewing the situation

What a terrible month we’ve had so far. Apart from our wedding anniversary. We had a nice day on our wedding anniversary and we went out for a lovely meal….

0 276  2 Comments on Wednesday 1 May 2024: The month ahead
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 1 May 2024: The month ahead

White rabbits! Oh my goodness, we had a busy evening on Monday trying to find a campsite for our next jaunt. Almost everywhere was fully booked on every date we…

0 312  4 Comments on Tuesday 30 April 2024: April wrap-up
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 30 April 2024: April wrap-up

Gosh, April has been one of the fastest moving months all year so far. I can’t believe I’m already writing the month’s wrap-up post! But first, the weekend… We set…

0 216
Posted in writer at work

Monday 29 April 2024: Short n sweet

Although Friday was supposed to be about the editing, I did do a few other things as well. And it was a short day in any case. I shared and…

0 256  2 Comments on Friday 26 April 2024: Locked in!
Posted in writer at work

Friday 26 April 2024: Locked in!

Thursday morning I caught up with reading I IS FOR INNOCENT. I didn’t warm to this one straight away, but I think that’s because I didn’t really like H. However,…

0 308  2 Comments on Thursday 25 April 2024: Getting ready to go camping
Posted in writer at work

Thursday 25 April 2024: Getting ready to go camping

I put a chicken in the oven for tea on Tuesday night, but I didn’t really like the smell of it. I let it cook for about 30 minutes, to…

0 322  2 Comments on Wednesday 24 April 2024: The Undercover Project has begun
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 24 April 2024: The Undercover Project has begun

The first job on Tuesday morning was to feed the dog, give him his medication, and feed the birds. The birds have been making a bit of a mess, recently….

2 397  4 Comments on Tuesday 23 April 2024: Meet Peggy
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 23 April 2024: Meet Peggy

We had such a busy weekend, which wasn’t helped by the fact that Monkey Dust had a gig on Sunday at teatime. Some people like to go to gigs on…

0 269  2 Comments on Monday 22 April 2024: A new adventure?
Posted in writer at work

Monday 22 April 2024: A new adventure?

The blueberry crumble I made on Thursday was absolutely gorgeous. I made 4 dumplings as well to put in the casserole the poet had left on the hob while he…

0 396  4 Comments on Friday 19 April 2024: Annoyed!
Posted in writer at work

Friday 19 April 2024: Annoyed!

I finished reading H IS FOR HOMICIDE and started to read I IS FOR INNOCENT right afterwards. I finished H feeling a bit meh. I started I, and the meh…

0 438  2 Comments on Thursday 18 April 2024: And we’re off!
Posted in writer at work

Thursday 18 April 2024: And we’re off!

There comes a time when one has to step away from the systems, the processes, the planning, and just start work. And that’s what I started to do yesterday. First…

0 282  2 Comments on Wednesday 17 April 2024: Stories galore
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 17 April 2024: Stories galore

Tuesday continued on from Monday in that I carried on doing short story planning work. I couldn’t get the dates to work out, though, and spent a lot of time…

0 272
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 16 April 2024: The dog’s birthday yesterday

I was just closing down the office on Friday when the poet came in and asked if I fancied a trip to the seaside. Well, I’ve never been one to…

0 563  1 Comment on Monday 15 April 2024: I❤️processes
Posted in writer at work

Monday 15 April 2024: I❤️processes

The dog very graciously waited until 6:30am on Friday morning before waking us up the first time. He went straight back in his basket and slept for another hour. Then…

0 318  2 Comments on Friday 12 April 2024: Late up!
Posted in writer at work

Friday 12 April 2024: Late up!

Oh my goodness, what a late start we had on Thursday. We’d had a really rough night with the dog. He was all right in the end, but from 2am…

0 351  2 Comments on Thursday 11 April 2024: The week is galloping along
Posted in writer at work

Thursday 11 April 2024: The week is galloping along

Image courtesy of Deposit Photos It’s free image day, hence today’s picture. I liked it, so I used it. How can I be writing Thursday’s blog post already? It seems…

0 840  2 Comments on Wednesday 10 April 2024: New books & notebooks
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 10 April 2024: New books & notebooks

I bought 2 books in the end from Amazon with my gift vouchers, earned playing games, and I still had £5.02 left. The books I bought were both writers’ guides….

0 506  7 Comments on Tuesday 9 April 2024: Getting back in the swing
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 9 April 2024: Getting back in the swing

I finished yesterday’s blog post yesterday and before I did anything else, I went out to feed the birds. We have a blackbird who comes and stands on the fence,…

0 398  2 Comments on Monday 8 April 2024: Back to work
Posted in writer at work

Monday 8 April 2024: Back to work

Other than being rudely interrupted halfway through by an obstinate and painful tooth, we had a terrific week off. We didn’t have any plans set in concrete. If we wanted…

0 362  2 Comments on Wednesday 3 April 2024: Dentist! AGAIN!
Posted in lifestyle

Wednesday 3 April 2024: Dentist! AGAIN!

Our annual Easter break was interrupted… I had my teeth cleaned just over a week ago, on the Friday. On Monday I took the poet to have a tooth extracted….

0 373  2 Comments on Tuesday 2 April 2024: Happy 20th Blogversary!
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 2 April 2024: Happy 20th Blogversary!

As we’re currently on our annual Easter break, here’s one I prepared earlier. My friend Devon celebrates her 20th blogversary this week. I first ‘met’ Devon when I was blogging…

0 398  2 Comments on Monday 1 April 2024: The month ahead
Posted in writer at work

Monday 1 April 2024: The month ahead

As we’re currently on our annual Easter break, here’s one I prepared earlier. Hello, April! Here is the plan for April: Easter break new month wordcount & progress spreadsheets for…

0 385  2 Comments on Friday 29 March 2024: March wrap-up
Posted in writer at work

Friday 29 March 2024: March wrap-up

It’s Good Friday today, so we’ll already be on our annual Easter break. However, here’s one I prepared earlier… How can it be March wrap-up time already? This month has…

0 270  2 Comments on Thursday 27 March 2024: My reading this week
Posted in reading writer at work

Thursday 27 March 2024: My reading this week

Wednesday morning was even slower getting started than Tuesday morning, and I had a lot to do. I really couldn’t afford to fanny around. And yet, that’s what I seem…

0 356  2 Comments on Wednesday 27 March 2024: Hack attack!
Posted in learning writer at work

Wednesday 27 March 2024: Hack attack!

At first I couldn’t remember what I’d done at all on Tuesday morning…and then it all came back to me. After 2 very early starts for me, which included putting…

0 455  2 Comments on Tuesday 26 March 2024: Dentist again!
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 26 March 2024: Dentist again!

Monkey Dust had a fab gig on Friday night. They always do at the Irish Bar in Doncaster. They have a good crowd in there. I dropped the poet off…

0 323  2 Comments on Monday 25 March 2024: Book review
Posted in book review writer at work writer's life

Monday 25 March 2024: Book review

It wasn’t too bad at the dentist on Friday. A little painful, a little sensitive. But not too bad. I came away with the cleanest teeth I can ever remember…

0 697  2 Comments on Friday 22 March 2024: At the dentist 😱
Posted in writer at work writer's life

Friday 22 March 2024: At the dentist 😱

Stunning view of the historic pier of Puerto Natales, Chile, on the Seoret Channel, at sunrise on a summer day with the sky covered in gray and pink clouds –…

0 418  2 Comments on Thursday 21 March 2024: My reading this week – new feature
Posted in reading

Thursday 21 March 2024: My reading this week – new feature

I sat up Wednesday night keeping an eye on news from the Blues (Birmingham City FC). Back at the beginning of January, Wayne Rooney had just been sacked by my…

0 436  2 Comments on Wednesday 20 March 2024: Feeling super!
Posted in learning writer at work

Wednesday 20 March 2024: Feeling super!

Whenever I finish a job, I don’t just feel good once. I feel good several times. First off, there’s that initial feeling of accomplishment that I’ve finished something, in a…