Monday 8 April 2024: Back to work

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Other than being rudely interrupted halfway through by an obstinate and painful tooth, we had a terrific week off. We didn’t have any plans set in concrete. If we wanted to go out for the day, we would. If we wanted to do diddly squat all day (a do-diddle-day), we would. In the end, I had probably 4 days, tops, of pain and discomfort, and we did in fact make it to not 1 but 2 seaside towns. The dog, of course, came too.

We don’t have any photographs. Before my tooth confined me to bed (yes, it really was that bad), we went out and bought my new compact digital camera. But it sat in its bag for ages before I charged it up and put it in the new bag the poet bought me for my birthday that’s small enough to be tidy, but large enough to take things like notebooks, pens, Kindles, and cameras.

The camera isn’t for now, though. It’s for when I’m able to accompany the poet on business trips and head off on sightseeing and research excursions to keep me occupied while he’s working. It might also see me return to writing features and interviews, but only if I feel like it or get inspired. I do need to know how to use it by then. But last week wasn’t the time, although it did come with us, just in case.

Our first trip was to Withernsea, where we watched the waves crashing against the sea defences there. Our second trip was to Hornsea, a few miles up the coast. The dog’s wheels needed adjusting slightly, as he’s using his back legs less and less now, although he does still use them and, in fact, still scampers or gallops when he forgets they’re not working properly. In Withernsea, though, he walked under his own steam.

We were supposed to go shopping yesterday for new clothes, but in the end we made the most of our last day of the holiday. The poet made ice cream and painted, while I read and played games.

Keeping away from social media and email for the week was a deliberate, conscious choice and, on the whole, I think I did quite well.

This morning we were both up right on the alarm…Well, the poet was up first. I’m not sure how long it will last, but it did mean the day started nice and early. It was too early for me to have breakfast, so I took a bowl to my desk just as soon as I checked in for work. The first job I did was today’s short and sweet blog before settling down to the day’s plan of work.

Plan for today

Here, then, is how today looks:

  • Writing Mastery Academy
  • client edit Taliban book
  • tomorrow’s blog

What’s your plan for today?

2 thoughts on “Monday 8 April 2024: Back to work

  1. Taking a break helps so much, doesn’t it? I have to build a few breaks into the next few months.

    Sounds like you have a good week ahead of you!

    1. We have a lot of breaks scheduled for the spring, then one in the summer and another at Christmas. That’s quite a lot, but they do do me good. I insist on taking weekends and bank holidays, so I don’t get jealous of everyone else who’s off. Although I will work then if I need to.

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