Author: Diane

0 333  2 Comments on Tuesday 23 January 2024: Full steam ahead
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 23 January 2024: Full steam ahead

I had some catching up to do yesterday as I’d lost a lot of time on Friday. First of all I’d had to wait around for a delivery, then I…

0 299  4 Comments on Monday 22 January 2024: Proper weekend
Posted in writer at work

Monday 22 January 2024: Proper weekend

On Friday I added an ebook shop to the website. It took all day to choose which one to use, try some out, remove them again, and then finally settle…

0 263  2 Comments on Friday 9 January 2024: Friday already?
Posted in writer at work

Friday 9 January 2024: Friday already?

Wow. Friday again. That came around quick… We both slept really well on Wednesday night resulting in us both getting up on time. I did get up with the poet…

0 269  4 Comments on Thursday 18 January 2024: Getting on with it
Posted in writer at work

Thursday 18 January 2024: Getting on with it

We had a lovely meal on Tuesday night to celebrate the mother-in-law’s birthday. She was delighted to have her son, all of her grandchildren, and their partners and families together…

0 400  4 Comments on Wednesday 17 January 2024: I had to duck out!
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 17 January 2024: I had to duck out!

I stayed at my desk until about 7pm, to make sure I didn’t miss the videos for the sci-fi mystery writing workshop, but they didn’t land. Tea was already well…

0 322  4 Comments on Tuesday 16 January 2024: Meat-free Monday
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 16 January 2024: Meat-free Monday

The first job I did yesterday was yesterday’s blog post as I hadn’t done it last Friday, for some reason. I only managed 474 words, and it went towards yesterday’s…

0 312  6 Comments on Monday 13 January 2024: Did I write a sci-fi story?
Posted in writer at work

Monday 13 January 2024: Did I write a sci-fi story?

I did start writing the first sci-fi mystery story on Friday, but I didn’t make a note of how many words I wrote. I wrote them straight into Scrivener, and…

0 348  5 Comments on Friday 12 January 2024: Bits n bobs
Posted in writer at work

Friday 12 January 2024: Bits n bobs

I think one of the last things to organise on a personal basis is a new dentist for us both. We do have a dentist, in Doncaster. But they were…

0 293  2 Comments on Thursday 11 January 2024: Technical woes – again
Posted in writer at work

Thursday 11 January 2024: Technical woes – again

The prompt, wordcount and deadline for 12 STORIES IN 12 MONTHS were all announced/confirmed first thing in the morning, so the first job I did was go to my TickTick…

0 280  4 Comments on Wednesday 10 January 2024: Writing, writing, writing
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 10 January 2024: Writing, writing, writing

Tuesday began with me starting to type up THE SECRET OF WHITEHORSE FARM. The idea is to write in longhand one day, type it up the next day during the…

0 322  2 Comments on Tuesday 9 January 2024: The office is done
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 9 January 2024: The office is done

The weekend So, what did we get up to at the weekend? We did quite a bit on Saturday. My delivery arrived on Friday of letter trays, jellies and expanding…

0 332  6 Comments on Monday 8 January 2024: A constant day
Posted in writer at work

Monday 8 January 2024: A constant day

We took the tree down on Thursday and it opened up the living room to such a lot of light. The last time the window was clear of the tree,…

0 256
Posted in writer at work

Friday 5 January 2024: Running smoothly

Wednesday I didn’t get up on time on Wednesday thanks to the dog waking me up at 4:30am and me failing to get back to sleep until 10 minutes after…

0 234
Posted in writer at work

Thursday 4 January 2024: A new regime

While the new regime wasn’t supposed to start until Tuesday, I did actually do some work on Monday too. We’d already spent some time rearranging the office, and on Monday…

0 354  2 Comments on Wednesday 3 January 2024: The month ahead
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 3 January 2024: The month ahead

Well, hello January, and hello 2024. It’s nice to see you! I’m starting the new month and the new year on a slightly different regime. I’ve removed some time-sucks and…

0 184  2 Comments on Tuesday 2 January 2024: December wrap-up
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 2 January 2024: December wrap-up

I made a few decisions during December to stop doing a few things, some of which appeared on the to-do list for the last time. I also calculated how much…

0 396  2 Comments on Monday 1 January 2024: Happy New Year!
Posted in writer at work

Monday 1 January 2024: Happy New Year!

As we start the new year, I’d like to wish each and every one of you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024. December wrap-up is tomorrow; the month ahead is…

0 349  2 Comments on Friday 29 December 2023: The bit in the middle
Posted in writer at work

Friday 29 December 2023: The bit in the middle

Did you have a lovely Christmas? Ours was very relaxed. We didn’t do any baking, but of course the poet still cooked us a rather splendid Christmas dinner. We had…

0 1872  4 Comments on Friday 22 December 2023: Season’s Greetings!
Posted in writer at work

Friday 22 December 2023: Season’s Greetings!

A massive thank you to all have made the blog worth posting in 2023. I’ve enjoyed interacting with everyone and meeting some new faces. We celebrate Christmas in the Wordsworth…

0 278  2 Comments on Thursday 21 December 2023: Another free illustration
Posted in writer at work

Thursday 21 December 2023: Another free illustration

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of my lovely new writer’s guides lined up on my Kindle, all nine of them. I forgot there was another freebie too that I converted,…

0 324  4 Comments on Wednesday 20 December 2023: Planning
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 20 December 2023: Planning

I didn’t quite stop work on Monday night at the end of the working day. Instead, I took two notebooks into the living room and jotted a few things down…

0 280  4 Comments on Tuesday 19 December 2023: A Pomodoro kind of day
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 19 December 2023: A Pomodoro kind of day

I didn’t have time to catch up with sleep on Saturday morning after Friday’s mammoth session. We had to get to the vet before they closed to pick up some…

0 327  2 Comments on Monday 18 December 2023: Up with the lark
Posted in writer at work

Monday 18 December 2023: Up with the lark

Well, not so much up with the lark as up with the poet, but you get the drift. I had a very busy day ahead of me on Friday so…

0 296
Posted in writer at work

Friday 15 December 2023: One of those days

I already knew I was going to be busy on Thursday. Raving busy in fact. So the plan was to just concentrate on one job until it was done and…

0 341  2 Comments on Thursday 14 December 2023: Diva technology
Posted in writer at work

Thursday 14 December 2023: Diva technology

I had to step away from the time management/Pomodoro systems that aren’t working and do some work, but I was determined not to do anything else until I had at…

0 302  2 Comments on Wednesday 13 December 2023: Technology is broken
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 13 December 2023: Technology is broken

The first email I received on Tuesday morning was from the time management app people I’d fired off a support email to on Monday. All it asked was if I…

0 358  2 Comments on Tuesday 12 December 2023: Some good news…
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 12 December 2023: Some good news…

…and some less good news. The weekend was busy but great. First of all we took the dog to the vet for another blood test and the result was very…

0 264  2 Comments on Monday 11 December 2023: So far, so good…
Posted in writer at work

Monday 11 December 2023: So far, so good…

Before I finished work on Thursday, and while the poet was at his last band practice of the year, I worked on this week’s diary instead of leaving it until…

0 384  3 Comments on Friday 8 December 2023: Forgive me while I work things out
Posted in writer at work

Friday 8 December 2023: Forgive me while I work things out

The last two jobs I did on Tuesday were rearranging a lot of my files on the laptop into something that’s hopefully a bit more streamlined, and starting today’s blog…

0 234  4 Comments on Thursday 7 December 2023: Failed!
Posted in writer at work

Thursday 7 December 2023: Failed!

Well, that didn’t work very well. Despite working on yesterday’s blog post offline, WordPress wouldn’t let me start today’s post offline. Which kind of defeats the object of not going…

0 287  2 Comments on Wednesday 6 December 2023: Getting organised?
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 6 December 2023: Getting organised?

Tuesday started well with me reading another chapter in The Organised Writer. I read a chapter before bedtime the night before too. Key advice this time is to not check social…

0 235  2 Comments on Tuesday 5 December 2023: Best laid plans of mice and men…
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 5 December 2023: Best laid plans of mice and men…

The rest of Friday was great. I can’t remember precisely how the rest of Friday went, but that has to be good, right? Ah yes, I remember… I did some…

0 337  2 Comments on Monday 4 December 2023: New planning process
Posted in writer at work

Monday 4 December 2023: New planning process

I had to step away from both the blog and the planning work on Thursday and get on with some work. The blog was nudging 2,000 words and getting far…