Month: July 2019

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Posted in writer at work

Thursday 25 July 2019

Yesterday’s to-do list was slightly adventurous … but I did it all. It doesn’t look a lot, but it is still time-consuming. I was late getting up, don’t forget, due…

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Posted in book review

Book review: Chasing Ghosts

This feature is in association with NetGalley. Chasing Ghosts, Madalyn Morgan Thanks to NetGalley and to Madalyn Morgan for an advance copy of Chasing Ghosts. First of all I have…

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Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 24 July 2019

I’m late to my desk this morning, following last night’s terrific storm. The dog didn’t stop shouting at the shouty sky until looooong after the sky had stopped shouting, and that…

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: “this is the end”

Once again there were three of us at the meeting, plus one apology. We wish a speedy to recovery to our member who is currently getting over a recent operation….

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Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 23 July 2019

I got through quite a lot of work in a short time yesterday. It was a busy day. First of all I read the last few chapters of the NetGalley…

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Posted in writer at work

Monday 22 July 2019

Much of Friday was spent finishing the client edit, and I did, and I submitted it, and he cleared payment. It will be in my bank on Wednesday. How cool…

0 227  2 Comments on Friday 19 July 2019
Posted in writer at work

Friday 19 July 2019

It’s great being able to turn up to work wearing whatever you like. Yesterday it was shorts and t-shirt again before I had to “get dressed” to go out. The…

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Posted in writer at work

Thursday 18 July 2019

Yesterday’s writing attire of choice was a more respectable shorts and t-shirt, but when the rain came and the temperature dropped, I dressed myself properly once again. I didn’t get…

0 272  4 Comments on Wednesday 17 July 2019
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 17 July 2019

It was so hot here yesterday I ended up stripping down to just a nightie and flip flops to sit and work in. That felt both refreshing and quite liberating….

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: “the old man”

The group is still very much in its infancy and we’re still finding our feet, so the library forgot that we’d changed the start time this week from 2:00pm to…

0 232  2 Comments on Writing diary
Posted in writer at work

Writing diary

I want to get back to blogging on a regular basis, with at least an update of what I did “yesterday” and what I intend to do “today”. I’ll still…

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Posted in writer at work

Busy writing, editing, proofreading …

My own work has become quite lax of late, with me either feeling very sorry for myself (tooth extraction) or concentrating on work for other people once again. (And I…

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: Monday 8 July 2019

We welcomed another new member to the group yesterday, who hadn’t been able to come before now due to various reasons. But she hopes to be with us every week…

0 206  2 Comments on Goldthorpe Writers: “death at the pit-head”
Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: “death at the pit-head”

I didn’t go to the meeting last Monday because I already had a dental appointment, and one we’d been waiting for for a long time. I had an email from…