We had to cancel Saturday’s Monkey Dust gig due to the poet losing his voice. He’d had a cold all week and had cancelled band practice on Thursday in order to protect his voice. But on Saturday afternoon, when he started his usual warm-up, nothing came out. He sounded like a 13-year-old boy whose voice was breaking! Poor thing.
The venue didn’t want another band, they only have Monkey Dust on, apparently. So instead of trying to get a replacement for them, they rescheduled the gig for the beginning of November. Another venue had postponed a gig that had been booked for ages (not the first time they’ve done it…) so it was lucky this other venue were happy to take it off their hands.
I spent a few minutes making a gig-postponed poster and a new poster for the rescheduled gig, then I changed the event to the new date, and shared a bad-news/good-news post with both new posters.
Once that was sorted, we resumed our usual Saturday chores of going to the butcher’s shop and the supermarket, and we had an unexpected evening off. It was a shame, as it’s a nice venue, the band love playing there, and he hates to let anyone down at any time, let alone at such short notice. But better to do it this way.
On Sunday we didn’t do a thing. Well, the poet did a lot of housework and we went to visit his mum, but other than that, we didn’t do a thing.
Monday morning was spent on a few admin jobs for both of us. The poet had emails to send and I made sure everything I needed was on the laptop…Hah! Or so I thought. I sent 2 emails regarding the book I’m proofreading this week.
During the trip, I had 2 replies from the client. One was about the proofreading job, the other was the last job I did before this on the Taliban. Proofreader revisions had been done and could I check them.
We headed down south for our 4-day business trip, stopping roughly halfway for something to eat. We arrived at teatime, had an hour or so in the room while I told the client I couldn’t check the proofs as I didn’t have the consolidated printout with me. Then we headed out to see the town, and I took some pictures of Horsham at night.
We had Italian for tea and when we got back to the room, we watched AIR FORCE ONE. Again. During the night I realised I *could* do the revisions as there were only a few and they were all itemised on the last email I sent regarding this book…so long as I could download Foxit pdf reader…more on that tomorrow.
First thing Tuesday morning I sent a revised email and settled down to my first day in Horsham.
I hope he feels better! And I hope you have fun in Horseham.
Thank you. He’s starting to feel better…I’m starting to show signs of it… (sigh!)