Yesterday’s to-do list was slightly adventurous … but I did it all. It doesn’t look a lot, but it is still time-consuming.
I was late getting up, don’t forget, due to the storm the previous night, but my list didn’t get any shorter as a result. The first hour was spent reading. I read a chapter of the new NetGalley book, a chapter for the Richard Cadbury research, and a chapter for The Beast Within.
Then I did some quick writing. I wrote yesterday’s blog post and then a review for NetGalley. The review had to be tweaked for both Amazon and the NetGalley site. For the first time I wrote it in here first before transferring it over. So it went up in three places (once Amazon has accepted it) and was auto-posted to Twitter as well.
I did venture out to a shady spot in the garden, thinking I could work on a pile of cushions on the bench. But it was simply too hot, even in the shade. And so I came back in and turned the giant, noisy fan on. We didn’t turn the fan off until bedtime last night. It’s supposed to be even warmer today – deep joy. (Hey, I’m a winter person and proud.)
To cool the dog down a bit, I draped a damp towel over him. He tried to fight it at first, but once he realised it was making him feel better, he settled down and went to sleep.
Due to the late start, it was already past dinner time by now, and so the rest of the day was spent editing the latest book for a client. I also had to drop him an email to remind him he needed to send a final revised third part if he wanted it all back by the end of Friday. I’d have to read through it today, making the corrections, and then do the screen edit for the whole thing tomorrow.
I’ve not heard from him yet, and if I don’t, I’ll just go with what I have.
Today it’s more of the same – read a chapter for NetGalley, read a chapter for Richard Cadbury, read a chapter for The Beast Within – and I want to write another blog post aside from this one.
I might even squeeze in some copy typing for The Fool, as I continue moving it from the old Scrivener file to the new one. And I’ll look at my notes for The Beast Within as well to jog my memory as I start to plan my murder.
This afternoon, I want to finish the hard-copy edit of the client book so that I can do the screen edit tomorrow.