Tag: Goldthorpe Library

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: Monday 7 October 2019

This week we welcomed Pauline back to the group after her recent operation, and she was accompanied by her husband John, who would like to come along in the future…

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: Monday 23 September 2019

With news from two previous members that one will be back next week and another as soon as she gets the all clear from her doc, we had another positive…

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Posted in writer at work

Monday 23 September 2019

Well, by the end of the week, I’d done a load of Pomodoros and got a lot of work done. Very productive indeed. I did start to wilt around mid-afternoon…

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: Monday 16 September 2019

We had a few more bodies turn up at the writers’ group this week, which meant we needed to find somewhere in the library that we wouldn’t disturb the other…

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: Monday 9 September 2019

Despite various promises from various people, there were still only two of us at the writers’ group this week. Not that we mind, we get one-to-one feedback on several extracts…

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: Monday 2 September 2019

The schools still weren’t quite back on Monday when we met after the August bank holiday, and while there were three of us present this time, one of us, the…

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: Monday 19 August 2019

As expected, I was the only one at this week’s writers’ group on Monday. Fortunately, I’d received apologies in advance and was able to go prepared. I said I’d go…

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: Monday 12 August 2019

Apparently, we have one or two new members coming to join us in September. We should also get some of our absent members back too. I don’t know how Pauline…

0 277  2 Comments on Goldthorpe Writers: Monday 5 August 2019
Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: Monday 5 August 2019

As there is likely to be just the two of us for a few weeks, we both agreed to either finish something else that we’ve started or else continue in…

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: “finish something”

The theme for this week’s meeting, for everyone, was “finish something”. This is because we had all started something for each of the various themes so far, or even just…

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: “this is the end”

Once again there were three of us at the meeting, plus one apology. We wish a speedy to recovery to our member who is currently getting over a recent operation….

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: “the old man”

The group is still very much in its infancy and we’re still finding our feet, so the library forgot that we’d changed the start time this week from 2:00pm to…

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: Monday 8 July 2019

We welcomed another new member to the group yesterday, who hadn’t been able to come before now due to various reasons. But she hopes to be with us every week…

0 287  2 Comments on Goldthorpe Writers: “death at the pit-head”
Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: “death at the pit-head”

I didn’t go to the meeting last Monday because I already had a dental appointment, and one we’d been waiting for for a long time. I had an email from…

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Posted in writer at work

Goldthorpe Writers: “steam trains”

Last week I joined a new writers’ group over in Barnsley. Goldthorpe is about 25 minutes away by car, even if I do have to wait on two level crossings…