Goldthorpe Writers: Monday 12 August 2019

Apparently, we have one or two new members coming to join us in September. We should also get some of our absent members back too. I don’t know how Pauline and I will cope when we have to share our 90 minutes again!

The more the merrier, though. And we’re looking forward to hearing and discussing more work.

Pauline had another technological disaster in the week. Word wouldn’t let her do anything to any of her files. She has fixed her printer now, though. But her time had been consumed with trying to sort it out again.

I suggested that she try OpenOffice. I hate the way that Word hijacks your work if it’s having a hissy fit – for whatever reason. At least she will be able to work with OpenOffice, and if her printer breaks again, she can print off her files at the library.

I gave her a very brief introduction to Scrivener, showing her examples on my notebook/switch. It does a lot and I only scratch the surface. But with a new word-processing program to potentially learn, it might be a bit much at the moment.

Fortunately, Pauline did have more printouts of her previous works, and she read My Favourite Book, which was all about Twopence to Cross the Mersey by Helen Forrester. I suggested she edit this down a little, and then find a magazine to send it to that publishes book reviews and inspiration.

Then she read The Gift of approximately 900 words, which may be suitable for People’s Friend.

I hadn’t done any new writing, and so I read out more of Catch the Rainbow.

Pauline’s homework was to (a) start a new spreadsheet to record her submissions; (b) have a look at OpenOffice; and (c) try and rescue her files. My homework was to do some work on The Fool.

Goldthorpe Writers meet every Monday at Goldthorpe Library, Barnsley Road, Goldthorpe, Barnsley S63 9NE, from 2:30pm until 4:00pm. There is free parking to the rear of the library, buses stop almost outside, and the railway station is a short walk away. Refreshments are also currently available for free. All are welcome.