Whoo-hoo! While I was working away during the week, I didn’t notice that we’d limped over the 1,000 followers line. Wahay! Well done to everyone who shared, and a very warm welcome to all new followers!
Actually, it’s currently 1,001 followers right now, as I write this. But by the time it’s published, that could have gone down to 999 again, or it could have gone up even more. Either way, it’s happened. I might take a screenshot of it for posterity.
So, what does one do when one reaches 1,000 followers? Do you carry on as if nothing has happened? Or do you celebrate in some way? I’d like to celebrate, but I’m not sure how.
I did promise a competition for when we reached 1,000 followers, with a prize of every single one of my current paperback books plus chocolate (to go with the chocolate books). But will anyone enter? It’s a bit like hosting a book-signing event and hoping that someone – anyone – might turn up.
What do you think I should do? Please enter your replies below (on here, not on Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn, but on here, where we can all see them – although anonymous posts are allowed, but you have to give me a clue who you are).
Now then, where were we? Ah yes, Thursday …
Holly had to go back to the vet’s first thing, well, at 11:10am, but the vet is a bit of a distance, so it became the first job of the day. She’s doing great, she’s put on weight, and now we have to wean her off the steroids. Unless we’re worried, the vet doesn’t want to see her again.
By the time I got back, it was almost dinner time. So the morning was pretty much a wipeout.
Here’s what I got up to in the afternoon:
- indexed all of my stories on Medium and created a master index
- epublished Chapter 15 of Diary of a Scaredy Cat on Medium¹
- epublished Chapter 16 of Night Crawler on Medium
- shared links for the Medium stories on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook
- made the link for Night Crawler free to Facebook friends
- wrote today’s blog post (401 words)
- went to fat club
Words written today = 401
It’s been a busy and productive week and I already know that ghostwriting gig #5 will be here on Monday. So I’m hoping for a weekend off. Have a great one!
Congratulations 🎆
Thank you! And welcome. 😊