Tag: Diary of a Scaredy Cat
Monday 11 December 2023: So far, so good…
Before I finished work on Thursday, and while the poet was at his last band practice of the year, I worked on this week’s diary instead of leaving it until…

Tuesday 5 December 2023: Best laid plans of mice and men…
The rest of Friday was great. I can’t remember precisely how the rest of Friday went, but that has to be good, right? Ah yes, I remember… I did some…
Wednesday 29 November 2023: The year has flown
And just like that, November was almost over. It’s my November wrap-up post tomorrow, so this is the last post before the December run. I can’t believe how quickly the…

Wednesday 22 November 2023: Immersing myself in science fiction
The hedgehog returned on Tuesday night. I still thought it looked a bit small, so I asked the poet for his opinion, and he assured me that it’s a fully…
Less easy
(Image by mathey from Pixabay) After a relatively good start on Monday, Tuesday was harder. I wasn’t as late, but it was more of a chore. I struggled to get up, then…
Pomodoro time again
Image by harshal07 from Pixabay It’s another long-un, folks. Either save it for later or go get that coffee now! Tuesday At precisely 8:26 on Tuesday morning, the cat jumped…
Faffing with shiny, sparkly things again
Because it’s not as if I’m busy… When you go onto my author page at Amazon, it defaults to ‘sort by popularity’. There, at the top, are the last three…
Paperback publishing stalled…
… and it’s not because of me. Once I’d done a load of household chores, I arrived at my desk at 10:05am on Friday. When I’m supposed to be there…
At last! I published a paperback!
I’ve been sharing friend links to Facebook for the Night Crawler chapters on Medium religiously as I’ve been publishing them. But on Tuesday night, when I sent a friend link for…
Bit of a surprise
Image by LukasBasel from Pixabay Monday evening finished on a bit of a surprise when the ghostwriting client sent an email asking two things: Could we make the new story…
Whoo-hoo! While I was working away during the week, I didn’t notice that we’d limped over the 1,000 followers line. Wahay! Well done to everyone who shared, and a very…
Burning the midnight oil
Image by Bessi from Pixabay Tuesday After my mammoth writing session on Monday, the plan was to take it easy on Tuesday. I’d finished working at about 3:30am and I…
Weekend working again
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay Despite still being busy, I finished work at 5pm on Friday. I already knew I’d be working at the weekend, and we needed to…
Best laid plans of mice and men
Image by Please Don’t sell My Artwork AS IS from Pixabay I had such plans to plough through the work before the poet got home from his work trip. And…
Getting better
Image by Prawny from Pixabay I might not be clearing stuff off my to-do list in the order I’m supposed to, but I am keeping busy rather than faffing. Or…
Must focus
Image by Hier und jetzt endet leider meine Reise auf Pixabay aber from Pixabay With such a long to-do list I really ought to try and focus more. My self-discipline…
Project reboot
So, after my little tantrum yesterday, Amazon have now accepted Diary of a Scaredy Cat. Draft2Digital did their thang, and they got it through. At the time of writing, they’re still…
Twee Tales Twee now available! (and a bit of a rant …)
At the end of last week, I decided to gradually move all of my ebooks over to Amazon. However, before I could do that, I had to make sure that…
Irritating interlude
Yes, I know they always happen and we should always build in some sort of contingency. But I’d only just got into a good rhythm of work when this week…
Back to (writing) work
Earlier in the year (gosh, is it still only March?), I had to take a bit of a sabbatical from my writing as I needed to replenish all of the…
I’ve been having a play …
… because, like, I’m really, really busy. Everybody else seems perfectly able to use Canva for promotional material, but I didn’t even know where to start. And when another one…
It’s all so complicated!
The news that Amazon’s CreateSpace is being swallowed up by Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing spurred me into action yesterday, a little. The first thing I did was contact KDP with…
News: new platform for digital editions
I have a new platform for my digital editions. At the moment, only Diary of a Scaredy Cat has been migrated over. But eventually, all of my ebooks in various…
52 books in 52 weeks: Diary of a Scaredy Cat
*** shameless self-plug alert *** I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 24. I couldn’t complete a series on…
Out now! Diary of a Scaredy Cat
Some of you have been waiting for this … and today’s the day you can finally get hold of Diary of a Scaredy Cat: a year in the life of…
March has been a bit busy … apologies for going AWOL. Nothing has been wrong, all is well. I’ve just been really, really busy. The month began with the tail…
When a new project begins
I’m so excited, I always am when I’m about to start a new project I’ve been mulling over in my head. The plan was to start the new project in…
January round-up
January has not been a great start to 2017 for me, work-wise. I’ve been lazy, unmotivated and easily distracted. I think the biggest problem was I didn’t set myself a…
New beginnings (*** list alert ***)
The news that yet another short story magazine has closed its doors to all but a privileged few has knocked me sideways somewhat this past week. It’s not a market…