Tag: vet
Tuesday 16 April 2024: The dog’s birthday yesterday
I was just closing down the office on Friday when the poet came in and asked if I fancied a trip to the seaside. Well, I’ve never been one to…
Monday 19 February 2024: Technical woes revisited
I did have plans on Friday to finish editing those extra pages for the big editing job. But the phone started to ring first thing regarding the sale of my…
Monday 5 February 2024: Ooh, shiny…
There don’t seem to be enough hours in the day at the moment. In the blink of an eye the day is gone and I’ve not done half of what…
Tuesday 12 December 2023: Some good news…
…and some less good news. The weekend was busy but great. First of all we took the dog to the vet for another blood test and the result was very…
Monday 27 November 2023: A slow start
Running late today, so hopefully a quick one to catch up with. Friday was busy. I started the day with some editing. I didn’t have any writing workshops to watch,…
Friday 17 November 2023: Another day off!
I was up early yesterday to take the dog to the vet, expecting to be in and out in a few minutes. But when I got there they said I…

Thursday 16 November 2023: In touch with writing, again
On Tuesday afternoon, I closed down the laptop and moved to the living room, taking my notebooks with me. I’m delighted to report that I managed to do quite a…
Monday 30 October 2023: Improvement all round
I finished the bibliography work on Friday and I drafted an email in response to the author’s latest email sending yet more material. We’re, like, 4 *working* days away from…
Whoo-hoo! While I was working away during the week, I didn’t notice that we’d limped over the 1,000 followers line. Wahay! Well done to everyone who shared, and a very…
Image by Pexels from Pixabay It occurred to me, after I posted Friday’s post, that I’d summed up the week without actually completing the week. I still had a whole…
Best laid plans of mice and men
Image by Please Don’t sell My Artwork AS IS from Pixabay I had such plans to plough through the work before the poet got home from his work trip. And…