After my mammoth writing session on Monday, the plan was to take it easy on Tuesday. I’d finished working at about 3:30am and I got up at around 10am.
I did a bit of faffing, checked social media, read a few articles, and did some housework. Then I moved to my desk and started the first of the day’s work.
Unusually for me, I was still in my dressing gown, but once I’d done the regular Medium stuff, I got dressed so I could hang some washing out in the garden.
Here is how Tuesday went:
- epublished Chapter 13 of Diary of a Scaredy Cat on Medium
- epublished Chapter 14 of Night Crawler on Medium
- ordered my repeat prescription
- epublished a short story, Ash Wednesday, on Medium
- shared links for the Medium stories on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook
- made the link for Night Crawler free to Facebook friends
- finished doing the diary for this week
- rewrote an article and submitted it to a publication on Medium (851 words)
- started today’s blog post (109 words)
- wrote this week’s Wednesday Writing Prompts (649 words)
- started the bonus short story for ghostwriting gig #4 (225 words)
Words written today = 1,834
That’s actually quite a good day’s work, although I didn’t finish until about 7pm.
Wednesday was better in that I got up earlier and was at my desk, fully clothed, earlier.
Here is how Wednesday went:
- epublished Chapter 14 of Diary of a Scaredy Cat on Medium¹
- epublished Chapter 15 of Night Crawler on Medium
- republished a Wednesday Writing Prompts from March on Medium
- republished How to Quickly Access Classic Editor on WordPress from April on Medium
- shared links for the Medium stories on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook
- made the link for Night Crawler free to Facebook friends
- wrote a new article and submitted it to a publication on Medium (601 words)
- withdrew both articles and published them to my own publications (The Income Octopus and How to Publish More Than 3 Stories a Day on Medium)²
- emailed Yorkshire client regarding an author query
- emailed Medium with a support query³
- applied to two more publications to be a writer/contributor
- finished bonus short story for ghostwriting gig #4 (2,836 words)
- finished today’s blog post (423 words)
Words written today = 3,860
¹The reason I started to publish the two lots of book chapters first every day was because Medium was restricting me to just 3 stories a day, and I wanted to leave as much time between stories so that I didn’t get held up the next day.
²The editors were taking far too long accepting or rejecting the articles and, as Medium retains the date stamp when they were first written, my stories would have been buried beneath a load of other stories they published that were mostly written by one or more of the editors.
³Continued from ¹: However, my support query was to see how long it would take for me to be able to publish more stories a day, just like the established writers do … and they lifted my restriction immediately.
Holly has her third and hopefully final vet appointment today, so it’s going to be another late start for me. Keep your fingers crossed that she gets a clean bill of health.