Tag: Medium
Wednesday 15 January 2025: Changes afoot
Tuesday started well. And then it took a nosedive. But in a goodish way as it made me to a major rethink. As we were up early, I didn’t fancy…
Friday 6 December 2024: In a rhythm again
I’m still trying to catch up with the blog, but I think I’m getting there. I spent a couple of hours on Thursday at teatime watching Flight FR2088 coming back…
Tuesday 3 December 2024: Catching up
Gosh, what a lot of catching up I have to do today…Where did I leave you? Oh yes, Wednesday… I didn’t feel very well on Wednesday. During Monday night…
Tuesday 19 November 2024: Snow watch
After a busy and lazy weekend we struggled to get up on Monday. And while I was having breakfast, I wandered off down another rabbit hole, this time watching a…
Thursday 14 November 2024: Wild goose chase
Because I fell down a rabbit hole on Tuesday, I didn’t get around to yesterday’s blog post until yesterday. I collected and replied to some comments on my gardening post,…
Tuesday 12 November 2024: A good working rhythm
It was a struggle to get up for some reason yesterday, but I was only an hour late to my desk, so not too bad. As I opened the curtains,…
Monday 4 November 2024: Publication day!
Before I carry on, I’d just like to say IT’S PUBLICATION DAY! Paper Roses, a Wordsworth short, is out today! You can buy it from Books2Read/DianeWordsworth. Right, after I posted…
Wednesday 30 October 2024: Tax shouldn’t be taxing…
With nowhere to sit yesterday morning, because most of the living room furniture was stacked in the dining room and I couldn’t get to any of the dining furniture, the…
Monday 28 October 2024: Lazy weekend
Much of Friday was spent finishing my wonderful spreadsheet – and it truly is marvellous. I keep wanting to look at it, to touch it, to play with the figures…
Friday 25 October 2024: This n that
I started to write this with a view to publishing it yesterday, but it got longer and longer and longer and I still had to write yesterday’s Writing Prompts. So…

Wednesday 23 October 2024: Slowly removing my digital footprint
Once I ran out of daylight on Monday, I put the date work to one side to cool. Usually I go through and choose 5 of the anniversaries for my…
Tuesday 22 October 2024: Lots of planning work
First job on Monday was Monday’s blog post. I’d started it on Friday and intended to complete it over the weekend as I worked. As I didn’t work at the…
Friday 4 October 2024: That was the week that was
I skipped a few more regular daily posts over the past couple of days due to the September wrap-up, the Hello October, the book review, and the Take One Idea…
Tuesday 24 September 2024: Busy doing nothing…
(Note: I did a tap dance once to I’M BUSY DOING NOTHING, and wore a pair of dungarees my mom’d had made for the occasion. Hence today’s picture…) I seem…

Monday 16 September 2024: Reading and writing and submitting
We had a lovely surprise on Friday when Son #2 brought Grand-doggy #1 to stay with us. He called the day before to make sure we’d remembered. I thought it…
Friday 13 September 2024: Friday the 13th
It’s Friday the 13th today. Friday the 13th bothers me that much, I didn’t even register it until I saw something on Facebook. I don’t know where yesterday went but…
Thursday 12 September 2024: Networking
First job of the day yesterday was to work on the story for 12 STORIES IN 12 MONTHS and get it submitted. I was right at the end of revising…
Wednesday 11 September 2024: WORDS WORTH READING Issue One out now!
It’s been a while since I made any promotional material. I forgot to do this for Monday’s post, forgot it yesterday, but remembered it today…(Well, I remembered it yesterday really,…
Tuesday 16 April 2024: The dog’s birthday yesterday
I was just closing down the office on Friday when the poet came in and asked if I fancied a trip to the seaside. Well, I’ve never been one to…
Tuesday 13 February 2024: Re-reading old favourites
First of all yesterday I faffed. I was playing a game on my shiny new tablet. I had promised myself I wouldn’t play a game over breakfast. Instead, I’d read…
Tuesday 23 January 2024: Full steam ahead
I had some catching up to do yesterday as I’d lost a lot of time on Friday. First of all I’d had to wait around for a delivery, then I…
Tuesday 16 January 2024: Meat-free Monday
The first job I did yesterday was yesterday’s blog post as I hadn’t done it last Friday, for some reason. I only managed 474 words, and it went towards yesterday’s…
Wednesday 25 October 2023: Migraine…
The day started with an email off ClickUp trying to fix my recurring task problem on my calendar view. I had to take some screen shots and circle the issue…
Tuesday 24 October 2023: I finished something!
Yay! I actually finished something. Just over a week ago I had a job request land in my in box. My first instinct was to say ‘sorry, I’m full’, but…
Friday 13 October 2023: Friday the 13th! 😱
I don’t actually mind Friday the 13th at all. To me, it’s nothing special. It’s just another day. I know people who fear it and I know someone who…
Monday 10 July 2023: Down came the rain
We were both really tired on Thursday night. Probably the previous few weeks catching up on us. I struggled to get up on Friday and was Very Late to my…
Tuesday 27 June 2023: A shiny new toy
Friday was a bit of a lazy day in which I didn’t get through a lot of work, but I did do some things. Like hanging washing on the line,…
Diary of a Tiger: w/c Fri 25 Mar
Chapter 13: Week commencing Friday 25 March Friday For all of Friday I was editing. Hard-copy editing for the Yorkshire editing/proofreading/writing client. There was nothing else on my planner. Just…
Diary of a Tiger: w/c Fri 18 Mar
Chapter 12: Week commencing Friday 18 March Friday I spent far too long (3 hours) on Thursday after work arguing with Amazon, but from a paying customer’s point of view…
Diary of a Tiger: w/c Fri 11 Mar
Chapter 11: Week commencing Friday 11 March Friday Well, would you look at that! Chapter 11 starts on 11 March. (It’s the little things…) Friday dawned bright and sunny and…
Diary of a Tiger: w/c Fri 4 Feb
Chapter 6: Week commencing Friday 4 February Friday February already, and not even the 1st of February but the 4th. Already this year is flying by. I had a lot…
Publishing Challenge! Chapter 5
See Chapter 4 here Chapter 5 Publication Day! Today sees the publication of another Wordsworth Short. Martha’s Favourite Doll is a short story that one fiction editor asked me to…
Diary of a Tiger: w/c Fri 21 Jan
Chapter 4: Week commencing Friday 21 January Friday On Friday I had wall to wall ghostwriting booked in. I was busy doing other stuff as well, though, such as making…