Month: January 2021

0 182  2 Comments on Plodding along
Posted in writer at work

Plodding along

Image by 🎄Merry Christmas 🎄 from Pixabay Apologies for going AWOL for a few days. I’ve been plodding along, working steadily, and then by the end of each day, I’ve…

0 162
Posted in writer at work

Getting on with it

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash Yesterday was a long day, but despite not managing any writing, it was a productive day all the same. Ghostwriting The ghostwriting revisions took much…

0 364  2 Comments on War of the antiviruses
Posted in writer at work

War of the antiviruses

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay I had a good day on Tuesday, I finished the pdf edits for the proofreading job and sent that back to the client. By…

0 178
Posted in writing prompts

Wednesday writing prompt

Image by shedreamsinpink from Pixabay Okay, this one’s a good one … or I think it is at least. Fifty years ago next year, on 24 January 1972, a Second World…

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Posted in writer at work

Slow n steady

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay I had a slow and steady day yesterday. I didn’t get everything done that I wanted to, but I did get through quite a lot…

0 194
Posted in writer at work

Busy bee … again!

Friday was a very, very busy day. The biggest job was the ghostwriting gig, as the first instalment needed to be in by the end of the day. However, I…

0 193
Posted in writer at work


I was very happy when we got up on Thursday morning to see that the snow I’d ordered, and had been promised, for about the past 3 weeks, had finally…

0 442  3 Comments on Historical accuracy in novels
Posted in writer at work

Historical accuracy in novels

Image by Michael Drummond from Pixabay When I was learning how to write, fiction and non-fiction, I was taught to always ensure that my facts were correct, as there will…

0 290
Posted in writing prompts

Wednesday writing prompts

Image by Marc Pascual from Pixabay Forty years ago yesterday, on 12 January 1981, Dynasty aired for the first time. This had me looking for pictures I could use from the…

0 164
Posted in writer at work

Crowded lakeside

Image by Robert Balog from Pixabay On Saturday we popped to one of our local parks to partake in our daily (dog) exercise. It’s a newish park that has a…

0 184
Posted in writer at work

Where is the snow?

Image by Tomasz Proszek from Pixabay We were promised snow on Friday. Heavy snow. All day. We woke up and it wasn’t even raining. To say I was disappointed was…

0 185
Posted in writer at work


Image by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto from Pixabay Yesterday we awoke to a beautiful frosty day. When I got up to let the dog out first thing, I glanced out across…

0 417
Posted in writer at work

One step forward …

Image by happyveganfit from Pixabay … one step back. Or that’s how it feels at times. Yesterday didn’t start as well as the day before, but the day before was better…

0 188  2 Comments on A better day
Posted in writer at work

A better day

I had a much better day yesterday. 10-project planner Once I’d written yesterday’s blog, which was 1,293 words before I even started anything else, I moved on to my 10-project…

0 200
Posted in writer at work

National lockdown, again

Image by J Garget from Pixabay I didn’t have a great start to the new year. I was busy all day, yet I don’t appear to have got anything done….

0 218  2 Comments on Welcome, 2021
Posted in writer at work

Welcome, 2021

Happy New Year to everyone! Let’s hope we kick this virus in 2021, so that life can return to normal. I had a lovely long Christmas holiday, almost three whole…