How to farm 50 more ideas to write about from just one
Last week I wrote about 28 ideas you can write about that will be topical in March 2025. You can see that story here.
If 28 ideas don’t get your creative juices flowing, if you’re still stuck for something to write, then let’s take just one of those ideas…
- 20 March is St Cuthbert’s Day (evergreen)
There is so much you can write about or associated with St Cuthbert, fact and fiction.
For a start, St Cuthbert was a real person who was born in Dunbar, which has been in Northumbria, England and is currently in East Lothian, Scotland.
- The first thing we can consider is his life story.
- The second thing we can look at is Dunbar itself:
- a. a history of Dunbar
- b. where to go in Dunbar?
- c. where to eat in Dunbar?
- d. what is Dunbar famous for?
- e. what’s on in Dunbar?
- Then we can ask the same questions about East Lothian:
- a. a history of East Lothian
- b. where to go in East Lothian?
- c. where to eat in East Lothian?
- d. what else is East Lothian famous for?
- e. what’s on in East Lothian?
- And then we can ask the same questions about Northumbria:
- a. a history of Northymbria
- b. where to go in Northumbria?
- c. where to eat in Northumbria?
- d. what else is Northumbria famous for?
- e. what’s on in Northumbria?
St Cuthbert lived during a time of great change, particularly in the church of England/Scotland.
- Write a history of the church of England/Scotland.
- Set a short story during the period.
He was also fostered out to a family so he could learn the art of war.
- Can you write a piece on the history of fostering? How much it differs when we compare now and then?
- Interview a foster parent, a foster child, and a social worker for a human interest story.
- Write a short story about a foster family.
- Write a novel that centres around fostering.
What else can I find out about St Cuthbert during a very quick, very brief internet search? (I limit myself to 5 pages per topic so I don’t fall down an infinite rabbit hole.) (And, incidentally, don’t limit yourself to Wikipedia as it’s written by Joe/Jane Bloggs on the Street. Use it for initial research by all means, but don’t rely on it as fact.)
He was a hermit.
- What do we know about hermits? Are there any other famous hermits? Why do they become hermits? Are they the equivalent of today’s homeless?
- Write a short story about a hermit, or that features a hermit.
- Hermit abodes around the UK/Europe/enter-country-or-continent-of-your-choice-here. Caves and rock houses, for example.
He became a bishop.
- Write about Five Famous Bishops.
- Interview a bishop, a bishop-in-waiting, and a bishop’s boss for a human interest story.
Miracles were attributed to him.
- Write an article looking at miracles. Is there another explanation for them other than divine intervention? What does Science say about miracles?
- Write about Five Famous Miracles.
Finally, St Cuthbert is most associated with Lindisfarne, or Holy Island, and the fast ideas below mainly relate to this aspect of his life. These fast ideas are easy to research, fast to write, and quick to earn:
- Write about the history of Lindisfarne, the island that isn’t an island.
- Write about the history of Lindisfarne Castle, the castle that isn’t a castle.
- Write about why it’s called Holy Island.
- Where to eat in Lindisfarne.
- Places to go in Lindisfarne.
- Birdwatching in Lindisfarne.
- Other famous people who live(d) in Lindisfarne.
- What to do in Lindisfarne.
- Walking in Lindisfarne.
- The National Trust in Lindisfarne, and the surrounding area.
- Industry in Lindisfarne.
- How to get to Lindisfarne.
- Where to stay in Lindisfarne.
- Write a gritty, dark murder mystery set in Lindisfarne.
- Write a cosy mystery set in Lindisfarne.
- Write a romantic story set in Lindisfarne.
- Write a horror story set in Lindisfarne.
- Write about true crime in Lindisfarne.
- Write about a ship that’s wrecked off Lindisfarne.
- Write about other castles in the area.
- Write about other islands in the area.
And right there are 35 more ideas from just one, or 50 if you count the three lots of ‘a’s, ‘b’s, and ‘c’s at the top of the story (the 2, 3 and 4 weren’t really ideas, just headings…).
The ideas are endless. Have a go at brainstorming further and see if there’s something you can do for St Cuthbert’s Day this year. But if you sell anything, remember to hold onto your copyright so that you can sell reprints next year as well, and the year after, and the year after…
Let me know if you do anything with any of the above and how they get on.
I love Lindisfarne. My first introduction to it was in the HIGHLIGHTS FOR CHILDREN magazine when I was a kid. I’ve stayed on the island twice and just love it. I set a whole seciton of TRACKING MEDUSA on the island, along with a chase scene in the kilns out back.
Great ideas up there!
We plan to go and stay there. I’d love to know more about the island and its history, especially what I glanced upon whilst researching this piece.