Getting on with it

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Yesterday was a long day, but despite not managing any writing, it was a productive day all the same.


The ghostwriting revisions took much longer than I would like, and as I’m not paid for that part of the job, I need to reduce the possibility of it happening again.

Speaking of payment, payment for the first instalment landed in my bank account yesterday, so that was very nice.

The changes I made to the first instalment were also incorporated into my Scrivener file, and that’s probably what took the extra time. At least when I’m ready to create my tangible port-folio version, there should be less to do then.

I’m still proofreading the first one on the Kindle Paperwhite. Once that’s done I’ll be able to amend the paperback version before ordering a copy for the bookshelf.


This morning I’ve already updated the Scrivener file, ready for the next instalment. I’m a bit late starting this, but I do have until a week on Tuesday to submit the second instalment.

I’ve gone through the first instalment and removed all 10 chapters from “include in compile”. This means my running word-count starts again from zero. I’ve also gone in and changed “Act I” from “draft in progress” to “done”, and I’ve changed the white flag icon to a tick icon.

“Act II: Part I” has been changed from “to do” to “draft in progress”, as have the first 2 chapters in this section, Chapters 11 and 12. And the icons have been changed from a colour-coded notecard to the white flag.

All I have to do now is change Chapter 11 to “include in compile”, and I’ll be ready to go. As I have 8 working days between now and when the next instalment needs to be in, that gives me a daily word-count target of 2,500.


Two more articles arrived from Pakistan this morning. I’d like to get these back to the client before the end of the day, as then I’ll have hit my first weekly quota of 5 articles.

These articles are between 2,500 and 3,000 words, so they take a little longer than the much shorter things I’ve been working on until now.


I also have a couple of errands to run. I’ve registered at the doctor’s surgery at the top of our road and I need to ring them to make sure my application has been accepted. Then I have to pop in with my one and only repeat prescription, so they can scan it onto their system.

The poet is working from home today, so I’ll either work this in with his video calls or I’ll go on my own, because there should also be a prescription for him at our usual chemist.

Then that’s me for this week. Have a great weekend!