While the poet did fit in 30 minutes to cut the front lawns on Saturday, we didn’t get into the garden again at the weekend beyond that. There wasn’t anything to do, other than cut the hedges. But as he’d already filled the green bin with grass cuttings, we didn’t have anywhere to put the trimmings anyway.
Saying that, we have had rain, and rain means things are starting to grow. The potatoes in particular have put a bit of a spurt on. These will need earthing up at the weekend. In most of the sunflower pots, 2 seeds have sprouted. I’ll lift the weakest of each, and maybe replant the strongest of those in the 3 pots that haven’t sprouted.
The tomato plants still didn’t arrive, so I called the firm I ordered them from and, after several attempts and one complaint on Twitter about no one answering any of their phones, I finally reached a customer services representative.
I reported to her that a phone line that jumps to music without any kind of announcement and that costs 7p a minute isn’t very customer friendly. She agreed with me and said she would report it upwards, but she also said twice that they were very busy.
Well, busy’s fine. It’s great, in fact. But *tell* the calling customer that they’re being placed on hold rather than just suddenly start playing music. Especially when it’s costing 7p a minute.
The upshot is that they were still waiting for one of the tomato varieties and couldn’t send out the collection until they were all in. Then she said that one of the other varieties was also out of stock. And then she said that they were waiting for the third variety as well.
So that’s all of them, then. Either way, they still can’t send out the collection until they’re all in, but no, they hadn’t forgotten about me.
Again, I said perhaps an email might have been helpful, and again, she agreed. I doubt anything will be done about that, especially when they’re already very busy.
So that’s all from us for this week. How’s your garden growing?