Month: June 2022

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Posted in News

My books now on Google Play

Today’s news is that my books have finally started to go live on Google Play. I’m slowly adding them, in order of publication, but starting with the short stories. You…

0 208  2 Comments on Please sign up to my newsletter
Posted in News

Please sign up to my newsletter

Subscribe to the mailing list Subscribe to my newsletter and receive a free short story every month. For the month of July, there’s a weekly newsletter following me at CampNaNo….

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Posted in Publication

Publication Day!

As usual I’m a bit busy, but that still doesn’t interrupt the publishing schedule. Today, Five Third Age Short Stories is published! This is a collection of, well, five short…

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Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: w/c Fri 17 June

Chapter 24: Week commencing Friday 17 June Friday I finally did some ghostwriting on Friday, having first got around the real names and places issue that was obviously bothering me….

0 198  4 Comments on Publishing Challenge! Mid-term update
Posted in publishing challenge

Publishing Challenge! Mid-term update

Back in October 2021, I set myself a challenge to publish a book a week for a year. This could be a short story, a collection of short stories, a…

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Posted in Publication

Publication Day!

No publishing challenge post again today as I’ve been stupidly busy – again! The short story That’s What Friends Are For is out today! This is a brand-new story that’s…

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Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: w/c Fri 10 June

Chapter 23: Week commencing Friday 10 June I’m back to normal again this week, starting the diary on a Friday. Hopefully everything else is back to normal too. Friday I…

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Posted in The Portable Garden

The portable garden this week: 16 June 2022

The weedkiller isn’t only not working, it’s not even coming close. I know that our gravel patch isn’t strictly part of the portable garden, but it is part of the…

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Posted in News

Newsletter News!

I finally have newsletter news! Please sign up if you haven’t already. Thanks to all of the subscribers patiently waiting for a newsletter from me. After several months of dithering,…

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Posted in Publication

Publication Day!

No publishing challenge post again today as I’ve been stupidly busy. One day – one day – I *will* manage my time and my workload a lot better. In the…

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Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: w/c Wed 1 June

Chapter 22: Week commencing Wednesday 1 June Last week’s diary should have finished on Wednesday, but I was so busy I didn’t have time to go into detail. I’ll do…

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Posted in writer at work

I went AWOL again…

…only this time, we had advance warning so were able to prepare. After years and years of trying this or that or something else, the poet finally had his operation…

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Posted in diary of a tiger

Diary of a Tiger: w/c Fri 27 May

Chapter 21: Week commencing Friday 27 May There’s no portable garden post this week as we finished yesterday for the extra-long weekend and I’m publishing instead this week’s Diary of…

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Posted in writing prompts

Writing Prompts: 1 June 2022

I try to work roughly 4 months ahead because the majority of my writing markets are quick to take work from me and publish it. Many markets, however, already have…