Month: November 2021

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Posted in book review

Book Review: He Will Find You

This feature is in association with NetGalley. He Will Find You by Diane Jeffrey Many thanks to both NetGalley and to HQ Digital for letting me see an advance reader’s…

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Posted in News

Publication Day!

It’s publication day today for Project Management for Writers: Gate 1. This is the first in a series of five new Wordsworth Writers’ Guides. The book is available in multi–ebook…

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Posted in NaNoWriMo writer at work

NaNoWriMo 2021 Day… can’t remember…

Day 25, I think. And I can’t say Days 19 – 25, because I only seem to have done something yesterday, which was Day 25. So I’ll just claim that…

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Posted in writer at work

The cat woke me up

After a 2am finish again on Tuesday night, Wednesday morning was another late one. The cat actually woke me up at 10am (she yowled at me, right in my face),…

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Posted in writer at work

Falling behind with NaNoWriMo…

… but I still have time to catch up. It just wasn’t yesterday. I was also behind on the ghostwriting, although I did manage to write two more chapters on…

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Posted in NaNoWriMo writer at work

I won an award

On Thursday evening I received a message via the contact form. It was from and it was to let me know that they’d given me an award. I receive…

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Posted in News

Publication Day!

It’s publication day today for the VERY SHORT STORY The Girl on the Bench. This is the third of the new and rebranded Wordsworth Shorts, but it’s a brand-new story…

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Posted in NaNoWriMo writer at work

NaNoWriMo 2021 Days 12 – 18

It’s been a whole week since I updated everyone on my NaNoWriMo progress. This is mostly because I took some time off. I took two days to catch up with…

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Posted in book review

Book Review: Death of a Russian Doll

This feature is in association with NetGalley. Death of a Russian Doll by Barbara Early Many thanks to both NetGalley and to Crooked Lane Books for letting me see an…

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Posted in writer at work

Working hard

To the outsider, it may look as though I had the last 4 days off. And I did have a 4-day weekend. However, I was working solidly on Saturday and…

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Posted in News

Publication Day!

It’s publication day today for Mardi Gras: a Toni & Bart time-travel tale. This is the first in a new series of novellas featuring sister and brother team Toni and…

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Posted in NaNoWriMo writer at work

NaNoWriMo 2021 Day 11

By the time Day 11 arrived, I was more than a thousand words over where I should be if I’d done 1,667 words every day, and that was before I…

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Posted in NaNoWriMo writer at work

NaNoWriMo 2021 Day 10

After struggling to get up for several days on the trot, I was finally at my desk by 10am yesterday, with all social media stuff done. I started the next…

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Posted in NaNoWriMo writer at work

NaNoWriMo 2021 Day 9

Day 9 of NaNoWriMo was another day I went off down a rabbit hole. I’ve been trying to organise my reading, and so this time I was looking for a…

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Posted in NaNoWriMo writer at work

NaNoWriMo 2021 Days 5, 6, 7 & 8

This post was going to be a ‘weekend off’ post and it was going to post yesterday. Then I remembered that I also had a publication day post for yesterday,…

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Posted in News

Publication Day!

It’s publication day today for the SHORT STORY The Ace of Wands. This is the first in a new series of short stories loosely based on the Tarot, though not about…

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Posted in NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo 2021 Day 4

I had a late start for Day 4 of NaNo. A VERY late start. And I also had a lot of work to do. However, I still wanted to do…

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Posted in NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo 2021 Day 3

I’m in the exciting first few stages of writing and am already at almost 8,000 words after only three days. I hope I can keep the momentum and the rhythm…

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Posted in NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo 2021 Day 2

I’ve been using my own 10-project planner for over a year and it really works. But it’s also really basic as well as being really high maintenance. While I was…

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Posted in NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo 2021 Day 1

Day 1 of this year’s NaNoWriMo was actually yesterday, and today is Day 2. However, I’m a day behind on the blog posts as they’re usually a round-up of the…

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Posted in News

Publication Day!

It’s publication day today for the SHORT STORY The Spirit of the Wind. This is the second of the new and rebranded Wordsworth Shorts and the first of the archive stories…