This is my latest mock-up for publicising both of my chocolate-related books. I quite like the colours in this one. I hope the covers don’t get lost against the background.
I forgot to add a title to yesterday’s blog post. I had to go in and add it after it had published. Apologies if your notification came in with 6734 as the title … although, that’s a lot of posts!
I did my ghostwriting stint yesterday afternoon, taking me up to ‘home time’. The first thing I did was address the feedback and make any changes I agreed with, then I finally completed Chapter 20.
This morning’s daily exercise was actually household chores, which included dragging the bin to the road (it’s a long driveway). After I’d finished everything, I had a reyt dab on (Yorkshire for ‘a bit of a glow’).
As one of the chores was to top up the bird feeders, my 5-minute ‘cool down’ was spent watching them go a little mad at all the new food.
The only admin I managed to do before reaching my desk was a job search. I saved one job, but when I looked at it in more detail, I decided against it.
I alternated between date work and blog work, and then, after dinner, I continued with the ghostwriting.