Month: September 2020

0 350
Posted in writer at work

Writing with gay abandon

I managed to hit my desk by 9am yesterday morning, so that’s something. We’ll ignore the fact that I then went to get dressed … At least the garden wasn’t…

0 180
Posted in writer at work

And she’s off … well, sort of …

Yesterday didn’t start as planned and by the time I settled down to work, it was almost time to start the ghostwriting gig. Scrivener I’d already tried and failed to…

0 1043  1 Comment on As busy as a bee 🐝
Posted in writer at work

As busy as a bee 🐝

Image by chezbeate from Pixabay After watching the weather, the poet decided to go fishing on Friday. So I put together an editing bag and took the work with me…

0 192  4 Comments on Broadening horizons
Posted in writer at work

Broadening horizons

(Image by Lenka Novotná from Pixabay) I’ve been umming and ahhing for well over a year about turning my hand to ghostwriting. Of course, much of my B2B and SEO…

0 269  2 Comments on Oops, forgot to give it a title!
Posted in writer at work

Oops, forgot to give it a title!

Dog walk The dog and I once again attempted to find the circular path the three-legged dog and its humans had used, this time armed with the poet. Last week,…

0 408
Posted in writer at work

Where to hide a body

Sorry for the “click bait”, but  I didn’t know what else to call it today! 😇 This picture was originally tucked inside an envelope and given to me on my…

0 202
Posted in writer at work

Proofreading and writing

This picture is a magazine mock-up that my Smoggie snapper (Teesside photographer) made for me when I left Corus/Tata. The front cover image is of a blowout and I wanted…

0 156
Posted in writer at work

Decluttering the cluttered computer

This clock was made for me by a friend many moons ago, possibly in the mid-90s. Her boyfriend was just setting up in business making and selling dolls houses and…

0 233  3 Comments on Writing a stream of consciousness + permissions
Posted in writer at work

Writing a stream of consciousness + permissions

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. (Qualifying links updated at 11:50am UK time on Monday 14 September 2020.) Last week we were watching an episode of…

0 397  2 Comments on My new office
Posted in writer at work

My new office

I always wanted one of those offices that were next to the front door, at the bottom of the stairs. And now I have one. (See first picture.) The room…

0 266
Posted in book review

Book review: Fall Down Dead

This feature is in association with NetGalley. Fall Down Dead,  Stephen Booth Thanks to NetGalley and to Little, Brown Book Group UK for an advance copy of Fall Down Dead…

0 545  1 Comment on Using a murder board
Posted in writer at work

Using a murder board

The murder board My murder board isn’t up yet, but every time I open this tin of bits that go with the murder board, it cheers me up no end….

0 167
Posted in writer at work

Getting back into a routine

I had a lot of admin work to do yesterday in the end, and there’s still a load more to do. First job, of course, right after writing yesterday’s blog…

0 158
Posted in writer at work

Hello, Finningley!

For the past two weeks we’ve been moving house (again!), and now we’re in the village of Finningley, which used to be in Nottinghamshire but is now in South Yorkshire….