Month: August 2020
The rainy day account
Something I try to maintain during this self-employment of mine is a rainy day account. I’ve been stuck so many times in the past with no savings and suddenly faced…
Squeezing the work in
This morning I finally started the next book for NetGalley. Well, actually, I re-started it as I’d already read a couple of chapters and I wanted to refresh my memory….
Clearing the decks
I realised that we get the keys to the new house next Wednesday. That’s just over a week away. So I’ve decided to close the office on Tuesday. I won’t…
Purging and packing
The end of last week was mostly spent on a client job, which I got back to the client during Friday evening. We had a discussion too about either me…
Pitching for work + Creating mockups
Pitching for work I don’t actually need more work at the moment, but I still like to keep an eye on what’s available, and I still keep looking because you…
I published a book
I didn’t get around to writing any of Catch the Rainbow yesterday, but I did sort some of the rest of the material into some sort of order. This one may…
Managing the diary
A light week last week followed by an uncluttered weekend meant I could devote some time to scheduling the diary a little more efficiently and adding a price list to…
It’s okay to take a sick day
Ever since the poet went back to work on 1 July, we’ve both had cold upon cold upon cold. And yesterday, I was finally flattened. Unusually, it seems that the…
Publishing short stories
Today’s faff, then, has been all about re-publishing standalone short e-stories. Once upon a time, I discovered CreateSpace, a wonderful self-publishing tool from Amazon. The best thing about it, for…
Do you need a logo?
So I’ve been reading this series about making money from home (Make Money from Home series by Sally Miller), and I’m finding it very interesting and informative. I’m trying a…
August 2020: Plan for the month (lists alert!)
After basking in my Camp NaNoWriMo winner glory for a moment or two, I finished work late on Friday. It was about 9pm here, so about 11pm for my client….