Tag: trello

Friday 10 January 2025: To boldly go or not to boldly go…?
And there we have it. The first full week of 2025 is done. It’s frightening, but a reminder that time waits for no man, so it certainly won’t wait for…
Wednesday 8 January 2025: Plan to faff
I really should know by now not to plan things too tightly. Or at least I should plan to faff as well. Maybe that way I’ll get more done. Yesterday…
Tuesday 22 October 2024: Lots of planning work
First job on Monday was Monday’s blog post. I’d started it on Friday and intended to complete it over the weekend as I worked. As I didn’t work at the…
Monday 21 October 2024: Leisurely weekend
I forgot to mention in Friday’s post that on Wednesday the money I was owed by Vocal landed in my bank account. On Thursday morning, another job I did from…
Friday 18 October 2024: Home again!
I was a day behind all week on my blog posts, so when the poet finished his work on Wednesday and we decided to head home on Thursday, I didn’t…
Friday 11 October 2024: Friday again!
So it’s Friday again already! [sigh!] This week seems to have flown by. I didn’t bake any cookies on Wednesday night but I did make the pear sponge. We were…
Friday 4 October 2024: That was the week that was
I skipped a few more regular daily posts over the past couple of days due to the September wrap-up, the Hello October, the book review, and the Take One Idea…
Monday 23 September 2024: A weekend in Cayton
I didn’t get around to a lot of work on Friday as I already knew we were on a tight schedule to get to Friday’s camp site. We had to…

Monday 16 September 2024: Reading and writing and submitting
We had a lovely surprise on Friday when Son #2 brought Grand-doggy #1 to stay with us. He called the day before to make sure we’d remembered. I thought it…
Friday 13 September 2024: Friday the 13th
It’s Friday the 13th today. Friday the 13th bothers me that much, I didn’t even register it until I saw something on Facebook. I don’t know where yesterday went but…
Monday 22 April 2024: A new adventure?
The blueberry crumble I made on Thursday was absolutely gorgeous. I made 4 dumplings as well to put in the casserole the poet had left on the hob while he…
Tuesday 26 March 2024: Dentist again!
Monkey Dust had a fab gig on Friday night. They always do at the Irish Bar in Doncaster. They have a good crowd in there. I dropped the poet off…
Monday 25 March 2024: Book review
It wasn’t too bad at the dentist on Friday. A little painful, a little sensitive. But not too bad. I came away with the cleanest teeth I can ever remember…
Tuesday 23 January 2024: Full steam ahead
I had some catching up to do yesterday as I’d lost a lot of time on Friday. First of all I’d had to wait around for a delivery, then I…
Thursday 5 October 2023: “Have you written anything?”
Him: “Who’s the musician in the house?” Me: “That’s my husband.” Him: “What do you do?” Me: “I’m a writer.” Him: “Really? Have you written anything?” [beat] Me: “What do…
Friday 14 July 2023: Horror stories give me nightmares
The last thing I did on Wednesday night was read another short story from the first set book for the fantasy thriller writing workshop. It was a horror story and…
Wednesday 31 May 2023: Lots of learning
So we were both back at work yesterday after our holiday. The alarm went off on time… and we both ignored it. For at least another hour. Ah well, it’s…
NaNoWriMo 2021 Day 10
After struggling to get up for several days on the trot, I was finally at my desk by 10am yesterday, with all social media stuff done. I started the next…
I need to be more prolific
(Image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay) Friday 20 August 2021 Friday was one of those busy days where you don’t stop all day but by the end of it you don’t know…
Time out
(Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay) I love this picture above. It’s the feature picture I use on Trello for my NetGalley board. Friday 13 August 2021 On Friday I forgot…
Oh, my goodness gracious!
Image by Irina_kukuts from Pixabay So I found this new thing to faff with… because, as you all know, I have all of this spare time on my hands. Anyway, I…
Monday went by in a bit of a whirl. In case you didn’t notice, my book The Life of Richard Cadbury was finally published. There then followed a frenzy of marketing…
Going forward
The last few months of the last year were very busy, one way or another, and I didn’t have time to catch my breath. We’re already into the third week of…
Thursday 14 November 2019
Hmm. Not only is the old classic WordPress interface much easier and quicker to use, it also posts when I schedule it to. The new editor isn’t exactly on a…
I’ve been busy, honest!
I’ve not been completely idle since 17 October (that’s more than two whole weeks ago!). But I have been tied up with stuff I’d sooner not be tied up with….
Thursday 19 September 2019
The Pomodoros seem to be working. I had a very good day yesterday. First job of the day was chasing a client for payment that was due on Monday. By…
Getting organised: Trello
Yesterday I realised I’d not done any writing in almost two weeks – not ANY writing at all … … well, I lied. I *did* actually write the structure for…