NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 12

Day 12: 26 November 2022

I’ve not been well all week, since last Sunday, in fact, but I had paid client work to do and so that’s what I did. I sent the work back to the client yesterday, which means the rest of November is pure NaNo.

Anyway, if I can work for a paid client when I’m ill, I should be able to work for myself too. Especially when the work’s so easy and so much fun. I’m not only writing Project Management for Writers: Gate 2 and Gate 3, I’m also finally sorting out the planning pages and forms for The Beast Within.

Today, then, while the poet nipped out to get some shopping for us (for the next couple of days), I stepped up, fired up the laptop, and had some fun with NaNo.

My new daily target for the rest of November is 4,550 words. Today I wrote 4,832 words and went over the 30,000-word mark.

Happy with that.

Day 1 = 3,706 words
Day 2 = 2,508 words
Day 3 = 2,585 words
Day 4 = 1,412 words
Day 5 = 2,743 words
Day 6 = 967 words
Day 7 = 2,641 words
Day 8 = 2,730 words
Day 9 = 2,935 words
Day 10 = 1,659 words
Day 11 = 3,373 words
Day 12 = 4,832 words


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