Just over 18 months ago, in December 2016, we rescued 6 ex-cage chickens otherwise intended for slaughter. We named them Aggie (the Agoraphobic), Baldy (she literally was ‘oven ready’), Blondie, Lara (the Adventurous), Pauline (Poorly Poorline) and Pink.
At Christmas, 2017, we lost queen of the coop Aggie. And today we lost the lovely Lara. Lara was the first to disappear overnight so, when she returned the following morning, we named her Lara the Adventurous. She could hardly wait to get back into the coop to lay an egg!
She started to show signs of lethargy the night before last, was fine all day yesterday, but then didn’t want to go into the coop last night. This morning I separated her from the others to give her some peace, yet kept her close to them so she didn’t get lonely. But she died, poor thing.
At least she had a better quality of life for the past 18 months than she had for the previous 2 years. We hope she was happy.
Anyway … We still have 4 hens and Eric, a cockerel that was given to us at Christmas. So, onwards … and here’s how I did yesterday:
- daily admin hour ✓
- write a blog post for Words Worth Writing ✓
- more reading for Net Galley (1 of 18 … now 19) ✓
- more reading for 52 Books in 52 Weeks (1 of 12) ✓
- search job boards, daily ✓
- pitch for jobs as and when ✓ (0)
- continue editing book #1 (of 6) for lovely already client ✓
- write (type) #3 (draft s) of Pippa and Davey Forever ✓
Those 2 books are going slowly, the ones I’m reading and reviewing. And I keep getting more from NetGalley. I need to settle down and clear both of these so I can crack on with the next ones on the lists. The editing job is also going slower than I’d like.
However, I did write 1,425 words against a daily target of 1,000 and I sent the last 2 completed stories to the poet for his first reading. (He liked them both, thought The Last Chick Fledges was a little sentimental, but LOVED Pippa and Davey Forever.) I started to visit the blogs in my blogroll too, and commented on a couple.
Here’s how today is shaping up:
- daily admin hour ✓
- write a blog post for Words Worth Writing ✓
- more reading for Net Galley (1 of 19)
- more reading for 52 Books in 52 Weeks (1 of 12)
- search job boards, daily ✓
- pitch for jobs as and when ✓ (0)
- continue editing book #1 (of 6) for lovely already client
- edit The Last Chick Fledges
I’ve also finished the self-set quota of final surveys for one of the survey companies and will be requesting payment today. The other one may hang around a little longer, but finishing this one will free up some time.
If the edit goes well, The Last Chick Fledges may go off on its merry little way later today.
Is your blog on my blogroll? Please add a link in the replies if not, as I’d love to pop by and say hi.
sorry to hear about your hen, at least she was happy at the end, not sure if you’ve got my blog address but here it is – http://solstice-days.blogspot.com/ Jo
Thank you! I’ll add it to the sidebar as well.