Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay
So everything went as planned with the whole operation feeling as though it was taking place on a conveyor belt. I was the last one down. I think they were concerned about me suffering a reflux during the general anaesthetic.
I was back home not long after 8pm on Wednesday. And while I haven’t really suffered as much pain as they led me to believe I would, I have felt really ill and weary.
Fortunately, I did manage to clear all of my work before I went into hospital. However, this week I do need to write up the second instalment of the ghostwriting gig.
I’m still going to take things easy, and I’ll do what I can when I can.
In the meantime, thanks for all of your messages and thoughts of goodwill.
Onwards …
Take care and take your time. Don’t overdo it. Xx
I keep running out of energy! xx