Tuesday 24 September 2019

I had a late start yesterday. I was quite tired, the poet had left early for a business trip, and I slept in. I got to my desk at around 10:30am, but I’d done my first Pomodoro’s work on the phone the night before, so I didn’t really lose anything.

First job was yesterday’s writing diary blog post. This job has moved to the top of the list and I’m giving myself 25 minutes to write it. It seems to be working and it’s doing what it was meant to be doing in the first place, back in  … 2005? It’s exercising my writing muscle before work.

I had my 25 minutes on social media and then spent 25 minutes on a job search. I pitched for two jobs, one editing and one writing, and when I realised my printer had lost its connection again, I had to spend time reconnecting that.

It was an early dinner break yesterday due to leaving for the writers’ group at 1:45pm. I got stuck at two level crossings on the way and also needed to get petrol. So I got there just in the nick of time.

With the poet away, I had an early tea and caught up with a couple of old NCIS episodes from series one. I’m binge-watching this all over again whenever the poet’s away. I was spending the evenings working, but burning the candle at both ends doesn’t always work well for me.

Before turning in, I had an hour with The Beast Within. I’m prepping this in time for this year’s NaNoWriMo (said she hopefully …), and I wanted to finish plotting the story. I have six pages, two for each of the Acts, and I’ve included a link to the next story in the series too, Snowblind. Watch out for Diary of a Novel in the next few days.

Over breakfast this morning I finished the current NetGalley book, so I’ll be writing a review for that over the coming days as well, plus I’ll be starting the next one. Also over breakfast, I wrote up today’s Pomodoros on the phone. Plus, I made a note of another publisher who may consider reworking and republishing Night Crawler.

Other work for today includes more job searching. I wouldn’t mind trying a writing gig, if I land one, but I also need a couple of small editing jobs if I can, just to keep the bank account ticking over. I’ve allocated a Pomodoro to pitching for work too. If I don’t have any to pitch for, I may write up one of the extra blog posts for this week.

I have yesterday’s writers’ group meeting to write up. Then I have two reading sessions and two writing sessions for the Cadbury book. My last two Pomodoros of the day have been allocated to planning. Before I write the next few scenes of The Fool I want to plan a few things to include, and then it will be more planning for The Beast Within.