Tag: twee tales too

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Posted in writer at work

I published another paperback!

It took the best part of a week, but with the help of the support team at Draft2Digital, I finally published the second paperback in the Twee Tales series. Twee Tales…

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Posted in writer at work

Paperback publishing stalled…

… and it’s not because of me. Once I’d done a load of household chores, I arrived at my desk at 10:05am on Friday. When I’m supposed to be there…

0 369  2 Comments on Pitching for work + Creating mockups
Posted in writer at work

Pitching for work + Creating mockups

Pitching for work I don’t actually need more work at the moment, but I still like to keep an eye on what’s available, and I still keep looking because you…

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Posted in writer at work

I published a book

I didn’t get around to writing any of Catch the Rainbow yesterday, but I did sort some of the rest of the material into some sort of order. This one may…

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Posted in writer at work

Managing the diary

A light week last week followed by an uncluttered weekend meant I could devote some time to scheduling the diary a little more efficiently and adding a price list to…

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Posted in writer at work

It’s okay to take a sick day

Ever since the poet went back to work on 1 July, we’ve both had cold upon cold upon cold. And yesterday, I was finally flattened. Unusually, it seems that the…

0 203  1 Comment on August 2020: Plan for the month (lists alert!)
Posted in writer at work

August 2020: Plan for the month (lists alert!)

After basking in my Camp NaNoWriMo winner glory for a moment or two, I finished work late on Friday. It was about 9pm here, so about 11pm for my client….

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Posted in Uncategorized

Camp NaNoWriMo – Day 20 (last day)

With me finishing the revisions of Twee Tales Too on Wednesday, I already had an extra hour today. Then when I checked in to the content-editing workroom, there was no work,…

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Posted in Uncategorized

Camp NaNoWriMo – Day 18

As well as arriving very late to my desk this morning, I then got distracted. Three times. First of all, I saw that Martin Lewis, our money saving expert, has…

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Posted in Uncategorized

Camp NaNoWriMo – Day 16

Oops, skipped a day … From this week, my 10-project writing planner has a new project attached. It’s a proofreading job, and I want it finished by the end of…

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Posted in writer at work

Irritating interlude

Yes, I know they always happen and we should always build in some sort of contingency. But I’d only just got into a good rhythm of work when this week…

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Posted in Publication

Twee Tales Too on Kindle, 2 new covers and even MORE news

I did say I’ve been busy … I’m delighted to say that Twee Tales Too is the latest to become available on Kindle. You can buy it here for just £1.99. I’ve also…