Tag: Save the Cat!

0 487  10 Comments on Wednesday 8 May 2024: Reviewing the situation
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 8 May 2024: Reviewing the situation

What a terrible month we’ve had so far. Apart from our wedding anniversary. We had a nice day on our wedding anniversary and we went out for a lovely meal….

0 271
Posted in NaNoWriMo writer at work

I won an award

On Thursday evening I received a message via the contact form. It was from QueryLetter.com and it was to let me know that they’d given me an award. I receive…

0 240
Posted in NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo Prep Day 1

I had a late start on Thursday due to working very late into Wednesday night. I finished one of the ghostwriting gigs, though, and by the time I got up…

0 252
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 10 September 2019

I’m starting to feel quite pleased with myself and the progress I’m making in Scrivener. having to reinstall it so many times (not Scrivener’s fault this time) is forcing me…

0 860  4 Comments on Diary of a pocket novel – back on track
Posted in writer at work

Diary of a pocket novel – back on track

It’s been a long time since I did any new work on the pocket novel. Mostly I’ve been doing other stuff, stuff that pays my wages. But there were a…

0 280
Posted in writer at work

Friday 9 August 2019

I’m so glad I scheduled yesterday’s post the evening before! What a disaster yesterday turned out to be. The BT engineer had said that they wouldn’t need to call at…

0 279
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 23 July 2019

I got through quite a lot of work in a short time yesterday. It was a busy day. First of all I read the last few chapters of the NetGalley…

0 391  2 Comments on Getting out of the doldrums
Posted in writer at work

Getting out of the doldrums

I was feeling a tad overwhelmed this time last week when I posted about the various piles of work I had. But sorting them out and discussing it with the…

0 317  2 Comments on 52 books in 52 weeks: Save the Cat! Writes a Novel
Posted in 52 books in 52 weeks

52 books in 52 weeks: Save the Cat! Writes a Novel

I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 44. Save the Cat! has been the last book on screenwriting that…