It was a good gig on Friday night at the band’s original local. There was a great crowd with even a few surprise guests, which made it all the more enjoyable. Late night, though, although not as late as many. But that meant a late start on Saturday too. I think the only thing we did on Saturday was the shopping.
We think the gig did push the poet back a bit with his ear infection, but by Sunday he was starting to feel better. He made an Eve’s pudding, we went to visit his mum, and when we got back he cooked a roast chicken dinner. While he did all of that, I proof-read Project Management for Writers: Gate 2 – Who/Where and I checked the poet’s contributions.
During the evening, I started to get ‘a bit of a throat’, and by bedtime I was on the Panadol and the Nurofen. I slept right through the night, for a change, but on Monday morning I was thick with a full-blown cold and feeling miserable.
I had to get up, though, as I had work to do, and the first job I did was go in and change the permissions on my Facebook page (the profile is already set to friends only, but the page is public). Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been getting some strange people following me. I don’t know them, we have nothing in common, and most of them looked like fake or cloned accounts.
My knee-jerk reaction, after blocking them all, was to turn the page off temporarily, but then I found out I could restrict which countries could view it. So I asked the followers to say where they are in the world, and on Monday I started to make the page visible only to those countries.
There were a couple of jobs I didn’t do on Friday – the weekly tech scan/backup up and this week’s diary – so those were the next jobs I did yesterday. Then quickly rattled through the competitions before transferring the revisions for the project management book to the Scrivener file. I compiled it to Word, topped and tailed it with the usual front and back matters, and sent it to publish.
All being well, it’s out today! Get it here!
The plan was to try and do some other work too, but I completely crashed so went to bed for an hour or so… When the poet got home I had a temperature of 101 and I tested positive for Covid… 🥺
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I’m so sorry to hear you’ve come down with Covid! We’ve had it twice over here…wishing you a mild case and a speedy recovery!
Thank you. We’ve both had it before, right after the first vaccinations in 2021. Now we think Ian must have had it last week with his throat and ear. So far, this week, he’s tested negative. I did my second test today, but I’m still positive. 🥺