It’s been a whole month since my last post (before this morning’s 52 in 52, that is). I haven’t been lax, I’ve been very busy – as usual.
First of all, there was a bank holiday weekend. Then there was a full week’s holiday, followed by another full week’s holiday just one week later. Fortunately, all holidays are now over … for the month, at least.
The biggest reason, however, was that I came to the rescue (I hope) of one of my publisher clients who suddenly found themselves in a bit of a twist following a minor hiccup. They were in a muddle when a staff member suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth. And so I’ve been helping them catch up.
We had a bit of a rush job on before I broke up for my holiday last week, and that was what took up all of my time to then.
The rush job is out of the way for now, though, and I’ve been able to look at my diary again and schedule in some of my own work.
Because we only came back from our holiday quite late yesterday, I cancelled tomorrow’s visit to Birmingham at the Cadbury archives. I want to get some of this book written now, and see which research gaps need filling. Then I’ll go back.
This morning I discovered that my UK author page on Amazon has disappeared. So that’s taken some time. I started to claim all of my publications again, but then thought that if it’s a known issue, I could be wasting my very valuable time. So I fired off an email instead, and I await their reply.
I’ve written two book reviews so far today, and this will be my second blog post. I’ve done a detailed diary for this week. I’ll see how it goes before doing the same for next week.
Mornings are my own writing/admin/editing time again, and afternoons are client editing and admin time – which means I need to start responding to client-related emails in the afternoons too. Saying that, I forgot this morning and instantly replied to a message that came in. Duh! I need to get more disciplined on that.
It’s now dinner time (lunch time), I’ve been up and collected eggs from our chickens, and now I need to eat. I’m starving!
Diary of a non-fiction book should return this week, and I have another three (at least) 52 in 52s to write up, with another on its way. I also need to get the partial for Catch the Rainbow out to my lovely beta-readers. I want to do a little juggling with that, but I promised them they’d all have something to read by the end of the week, and this is the partial I intend to send out to agents/publishers.
Anyway, food …
You have been busy. Strangely enough I tried to get into my Amazon Author page and couldn’t. Perhaps it is a known issue. I hope so and that they put it right. Hope the chucks survived and their ‘minder’ was okay.
They’ve since replied and said there is a known issue and they’re working on it. Phew! Paranoid? Moi?