I seem to be spending less and less time on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) just lately. I wouldn’t mind, but I’m not sure what I’m doing instead. I’m still tidying the books I uploaded to Google Play Books, deleting duplicates or failed uploads, and replacing any I’ve changed, such as found a cover instead of the generic ones and re-uploading those. It’s a faff, but one that will be worth it. And the OCD does prefer proper covers on these things.
The day did start with a quick whizz through social media and emails. I replied to the proofreading author and wrote to the proofreading client, both of whom replied. Then I joined in with the People’s Friend writing hour on X… (erm, ditto…) and had a nice, virtual chinwag. While I was chatting on there, I checked a page of books on Google Play Books (100 books to the page). Right afterwards, I cleared another page.
The postie brought a delivery for the mother in law. I put the dog outside while I dealt with that, and when the postie had gone, I found him sitting in a sea of bird food slurry, thanks to the rain we’ve had over the past couple of days. So I had to give him a bath and dry him. And I did another page of updates on Google Play.
I was catching up with blogs when a phone call came in and I suddenly had probate stuff to deal with. So I dealt with that, made my dinner, and went back to read at the computer while I ate.
My friend sent me an invitation code to Bluesky, which worked. So I had a look around that, found another real life friend on there (a NaNo write-in buddy), plus a couple I follow/ed on X. Decided to share a handful of posts, just to populate my feed. Went and did the same on CounterSocial. Put a sticky at the top on CS but haven’t found out how to do that on BS yet.
(Hmm, BS usually means something else… must stop being lazy and write things in full!)
Spotted a couple of mistakes on yesterday’s blog post and went in to change them. Then I had to go to Buffer to delete the reposts over there.
I updated another couple of pages on Google Play Books. That job is taking a long time but I’ve found one NetGalley book I haven’t saved so I can’t convert it and I can’t collect it again. I made sure it was on my Paperwhite at least. I’ll probably make it my next NG read. I would have been a bit cross if it was a book I’d bought, but I hadn’t so I calmed down.
The dog was a nuisance for much of the day, wanting attention for one thing or another. When the poet came home from work he took the dog for a lie down with him for a bit to give me half an hour.
Today I need to start work again. I MUST restrict myself to a Pomodoro at a time on the Google Play Books thing and then have a go at a bit of everything. I found out I can invoice for some extra work I’ve been doing on an existing job, so that’s very motivating. I’ll do that on Friday, but I also have the probate work to follow through with on Friday.
I’ve removed the subscription forms from the bottom of posts now. If anyone wants to subscribe, use the links in the side bar (at the bottom on mobile devices).
So much feels scattered lately, doesn’t it? I feel like I’m doing bits and pieces in all directions, but not getting that “done” satisfaction.
I need to sort it out because I can’t work as efficiently if I don’t.
Oh. My. Goodness. I’m having to log in here again too…
Wilf can be a nuisance but mainly because he’s so young and needs attention and play. If I’m sat quiet, he can be a pain in the neck, however when I’m busy he seems to get the message!
Can’t wait to meet him!