The weekend went by in a bit of a blur. Not because of anything in particular. I just don’t feel like I even had a weekend.
We were up early on Saturday because the poet had an early start for a gig that night. Because I’d spent ALL of Friday on the mockups, I hadn’t done a meal plan or a shopping list, and we hadn’t done the shopping. So that was all rectified on Saturday. We didn’t just go to one supermarket either. We went to the butcher’s, the bargain basement, the pet shop, another bargain basement, and then the supermarket. And all of that took time, and most of the day.
The poet collected his mate and they went off to the gig together and I followed two hours later. This was because we’re still keeping an eye on the dog and didn’t want to leave him for too long. We had a good evening, some of our friends made it this time, but again, I left right afterwards so I could get home for the dog, and the poet arrived about an hour later.
Sunday we slept in. Not just a bit, we slept in until 1pm. We were both tired on Saturday too. I think we were wrung out following all of the vet visits and having to watch the dog. We nipped out to get something we didn’t get on Saturday, and then we went to visit the mother-in-law, partly to show her how different the dog is to how he left her the previous Sunday.
When we got back, I went to see if there was a ripe blackberry I could sample and we ended up picking about 4lb of fruit (nearly 2 kilos). We didn’t have sugar, though, or any pectin, or any lemons, so we just washed them, picked them over, and put them in the fridge overnight. And I attempted to brainstorm the story for this week’s 12 Stories in 12 Months (750 words due in on Wednesday!). (I failed.)
Yesterday was fragmented because I had a routine appointment at the doctor’s at 10:55am and another at a breathing centre at 3pm. In between, I caught up on blogs, social media and emails, I wrote up yesterday’s blog post, I shared the gig list post, and I made three new posters for Monkey Dust and created a new event for the first of those on Facebook. I did my weekly tech scan, and I did my weekly backup.
We were a long time at the second appointment, due to a trainee doing the tests (she did great), and on the way home we picked up jam sugar and lemons from the supermarket. We couldn’t get any pectin, but the jam sugar has pectin in. Just in case, though, a bag of lemons went in.
When we got home, it was after the poet’s working day had ended, so he set to with the jam making. I still had work to do, though, which consisted of the diary for the rest of the week and work on Fireworks at Killiecrankie.
I knew I had the basic outline somewhere but I couldn’t find it in any of my notebooks. I was delighted to see it was already on Plottr. All I had to do was export it to Scrivener or Word to work on it. I sent it to Word. It’s only short, and short stories work better in Word. I don’t need all of those folders.
Anyway, look at all this jam!

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Your jam looks amazing! What a lot you got done!
I think we may try ice cream with the next batch…