A couple of weeks ago, when lockdown easing had already started, we visited the new Sherwood Forest visitor centre, which is just a few hundred yards away from where the old centre used to be.
We did the blue trail, which is the quickest and easiest at only 2 miles there and back, and we went to look at the major oak.
The café was open for takeaway, there was a coffee wagon, and there were traffic lights on the toilets but face coverings were required.
Visitors mostly followed the recommended one-way system. The car park was £4. It was so well-organised that we were very impressed. It was as though it had been a year in the planning …
Not a bad choice considering our intention was Rother Valley Country Park, where visitor numbers were being controlled and we didn’t want to waste the nice weather being stuck queuing in the car.
It gave the poet a good opportunity to blow the cobwebs off his camera. Here are a few of the pictures he took. All images are © Ian Wordsworth. Enjoy!