Tag: short story

0 282  2 Comments on Wednesday 17 April 2024: Stories galore
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 17 April 2024: Stories galore

Tuesday continued on from Monday in that I carried on doing short story planning work. I couldn’t get the dates to work out, though, and spent a lot of time…

0 282  2 Comments on Wednesday 19 July 2023: I wrote a fantasy thriller… of sorts
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 19 July 2023: I wrote a fantasy thriller… of sorts

So yesterday disappeared down a dark hole. Well, not a dark hole precisely. More a study hole. Because of the time difference I’m already a day behind the rest of…

0 154
Posted in writer at work

Just chillin’

The past few days have been all about chilling. I finished the editing job on Tuesday evening at about 7:30pm and it was back with the author by about 8pm,…

0 166
Posted in News

Publication Day!

It’s publication day today for the VERY SHORT STORY The Girl on the Bench. This is the third of the new and rebranded Wordsworth Shorts, but it’s a brand-new story…

0 135
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Publication Day!

It’s publication day today for the SHORT STORY The Ace of Wands. This is the first in a new series of short stories loosely based on the Tarot, though not about…

0 143
Posted in News

Publication Day!

It’s publication day today for the SHORT STORY The Spirit of the Wind. This is the second of the new and rebranded Wordsworth Shorts and the first of the archive stories…

0 147
Posted in News

Publication Day!

It’s publication day today for the SHORT STORY The Most Scariest Night of the Year. This is the first of the new and rebranded Wordsworth Shorts, but it’s the first of…