I worked until 4:30am Friday morning on ‘Thursday’, and that meant I had a long lie-in on Friday. I didn’t wake up until midday! And I still had work to do. Fortunately, I’d submitted Part 2 of GW Book 12 during that mammoth session, so I didn’t have that to worry about. Payment was authorised and the next instalment contracted.
Once I made it to my desk, my first job was to go and update ClickUp with the new instalment. I don’t start the next instalment until it’s been contracted, and now I’m writing in the diary in ink again, I don’t write it there until it’s been contracted either.
I had a couple of appointments to add to my diary, a telephone consultation and a Zoom workshop. I already had one Zoom workshop booked in for this evening with Scrivener and Save the Cat. This one is for tomorrow evening and it’s a short story writing workshop.
While I was on the website for the short story writing workshop, I decided to join their 12 stories in 12 months challenge. I think this is where we’re given a word prompt and a length, and we have a 24-hour window in which to write and submit each story. Part of the agreement includes reading at least four stories from other people, but I don’t know yet if there’s a different deadline for that too or if it’s all included in the same thing. If it’s all included, then that’s a new Wednesday job once a month.
The kickstarter I backed last week hit all of its stretch goals, so there are another eight online workshops for me to add to the personal development schedule. The two Zoom workshops this week are also part of personal development. I registered for the 12 stories in 12 months at the last minute on a whim in the hope that I actually manage to write twelve new short stories in 2023. I’ll be using what I’m learning in the pop-ups and online workshops too as well as trying to fit them in with the two weekly magazines that still publish plenty of short stories here and/or the anthologies that call for submissions.
I went onto Canva to have a faff with some book covers for a new writing series I’m planning, I did my weekly tech scan and backup, and I filled in this coming week’s diary. I haven’t started a new book yet for NetGalley. I wanted to read the next Travis McGee book instead, which I am doing.
I put the office away for the weekend. Any writing of my own that I’m doing from scratch will probably be done of an evening and at weekends, until I have something concrete to build into my day and space to put it.
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I’m get you got a lie-in. You certainly deserved it!
I’m still catching up on sleep now, 5 days later. It’s a terrible habit I seem to have got myself in.