With Windows 11 falling out with Office 365 and Scrivener 3 last week, I lost a lot of time trying to sort it all out. Then I lost a lot more time reinstalling everything and telling other people (a) what I’d had to do, and (b) how to perhaps fix their own similar issues. On top of that, I had a stinking cold (courtesy of the poet), and we’re in the middle of a heatwave.
I worked all weekend on the ghostwriting, finally submitting it at 4am on Monday morning and, as it turned out, Monday and Tuesday ended up being my ‘weekend’. By the time Wednesday got here, I realised I was running out of time to do everything again.
Something had to give.
I really didn’t want my own work to be the casualty again, but I had to make a compromise somewhere. So, I decided that my CampNaNo would revert to the original spirit of NaNo and I’d only write the first drafts of the ten stories I wanted to write, rather than the 2nd drafts, the polishing, the editing and the submitting.
Two books I wanted to work on, Diary of a Pussycat and Project Management for Writers: Gate 2, have been moved to 1 or 2 August for me to work out a schedule for then, and so have the regular/occasional series blog posts: Publishing Challenge; The Portable Garden This Week; Diary of a Tiger; and Book Review.
For the rest of July, I’m concentrating on client work (ghostwriting and editing) to get it shifted, and of course Camp NaNo, which is my own work. I’m also still publishing a book a week, I just won’t be blogging about it for now.
I need to get on top of this work again and stop dragging my feet. Hopefully, that will start to happen sooner rather than later. Apologies, though, if you’ve missed any of the blog series over the past few weeks. Normal service will resume in August…
Or maybe September, as we have a holiday booked in for August too.