Month: June 2017

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Posted in writer at work

Having a splurge

I seem to be having a mid-week writing splurge – and long may it last. I’ve been very busy editing a heavy book, but I finished it and sent the…

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Posted in 52 books in 52 weeks

52 books in 52 weeks: How to Write a Book from Outline to Finish Line

I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 16. I bought How to Write a Book From Outline to Finish…

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Posted in writer at work


Once again I have been very busy and I’ve neglected both of my blogs. I’m waaaay behind on my 52 books in 52 weeks, but I *am* still reading them,…

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Posted in 52 books in 52 weeks

52 books in 52 weeks: Writing Crime Fiction

I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 15. The first thing Writing Crime Fiction by Rosemary Rowe advises you to…

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Posted in 52 books in 52 weeks

52 books in 52 weeks: How to Write Short Romance Kindle Books

I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 14. How to Write Short Romance Kindle Books by Nina Harrington, claims to…